[Recovery Ride] 133km from Frankfurt to Marburg


Shooting date: Sunday, June 15, 2024
What is impressive about Marburg Central Station is
You can often see visually impaired people with canes.
Marburg is
It is said to be a representative city for visually impaired people.
Ideas to make life easier for visually impaired people
Apparently they are everywhere in Marburg.
Leaving home after 9am
Running at my wife's slow pace
Take frequent bathroom breaks for women
We arrived in Marburg around 6pm.
Instead of sightseeing, just head to the central station.
I took the train to Frankfurt at 18:35.
The only stops along the way are Giessen and Friedberg.
It is convenient to travel by train between Frankfurt and Marburg.
In Ehringshausen
The bakery that took a break
The toilet was spacious and beautiful.
It was a cozy bakery.
Schäfers Backstuben
Kölschhäuser Str. 1
35630 Ehringshausen
Sonntag 07:00-17:00
Montag 05:30-18:00
Dienstag 05:30-18:00
Mittwoch 05:30-18:00
Donnerstag 05:30-18:00
Freitag 05:30-18:00
Samstag 06:00-17:00

Пікірлер: 1

  • @tatsutonakamura7324
    @tatsutonakamura7324Ай бұрын

    休憩に寄ったBormbachのGSで、着いて直ぐに雨が降り始めました。 スコールの様な、短時間に大粒の雨。 再スタート後1km程は、路面に水が浮いている状況でしたが、その後は完全ドライ。 南西からの風だったこの日は、ほぼ全線追い風。 Westerwaldからは、完全追い風でした。 強風が吹き続けた日だったので、逆に走ったらお陀仏だったかも…。 ラッキーでした。
