Recovery Coaching in the NDIS with Suzy Berry, Presented by Kinora

Suzy Berry answers Kinora Community questions and covers an in depth introduction into the vital role of an NDIS Recovery Coach for a person with Psychosocial Disability.
00:00 Welcome to the session.
00:20 Meet Suzy Berry, our Recovery Coach Expert.
5:40 Psychosocial support options in lieu of Recovery Coach funding.
7:23 Experience & qualifications of a Recovery Coach.
11:12 What does a Recovery Coach do?
15:22 Recovery Coach vs. a Support Coordinator.
20:25 Recovery Coach different and separate from your supports.
22:24 How a Recovery Coach would approach your goals.
24:20 NDIS budget tips for accessing a Recovery Coach.
28:02 What is the optimal Recovery Coach for you?
30:05 Interviewing Recovery Coaches to find the best fit for you.
30:35 Checklist for selecting the right Recovery Coach.
For a copy of Suzy's presentation sign up or log into Kinora at and look for Suzy's video - or ask for it. We'll make sure you get it.
