RE4DINGS: What We're Teaching Our Sons by Owen Booth - Romance


RE4DINGS [ˈri dɪŋz]: a regular video series from 4th Estate, in which our authors read 1 to 4 pages of their choice from their latest book. You heard it here first.
Meet the married Dads, the divorced Dads, the widowed Dads and the gay Dads; the gamblers, the firemen, the bankers, the nurses, the soldiers and the milkmen. They’re trying to guide their sons through the foothills of childhood into the bewildering uplands of adulthood. But it’s hard to know if they’re doing it right.
Or what their sons’ mothers think…
Wise and funny, touching and true, What We’re Teaching Our Sons is for anyone who has ever wondered how to be a grown up.

