Raster to Polygons using ArcGIS Pro

In Geographic Information Systems (GIS), "polygonize" refers to the process of converting raster data or other vector data types into polygons. This operation is commonly used when you want to represent continuous or categorical information as polygon features with distinct boundaries.
Raster to Polygon Conversion: When you polygonize a raster, you take a raster dataset (which consists of cells or pixels with different values) and create polygons that enclose areas of contiguous cells with the same value. Each polygon represents a distinct category or class from the original raster.
In the context of raster data, especially in remote sensing and digital image processing, "DN" stands for "Digital Number." Digital Number refers to the discrete numeric values that represent the pixel intensity or radiometric value of each cell or pixel in a raster image.
The DNs in a raster image are used to represent various types of information, depending on the type of sensor and the specific application. For example, in a multispectral satellite image, DNs can represent the reflectance values of different spectral bands, allowing you to distinguish between land cover types, monitor vegetation health, or perform other types of image analysis.
Common use cases for polygonization in GIS include:
Land Cover Classification: Converting a land cover raster into polygon features representing different land cover classes (e.g., forests, urban areas, water bodies).
Watershed Delineation: Creating polygons that represent watershed boundaries from a raster representing elevation or flow accumulation.
Parcelization: Converting a raster of cadastral or land parcel information into vector polygons representing individual land parcels.
Thematic Mapping: Transforming continuous raster data (e.g., temperature, elevation) into thematic maps with distinct polygon features representing categorized ranges of values.
Feature Extraction: Converting satellite or aerial imagery into vector polygons to represent specific features, such as buildings, roads, or vegetation.
In GIS (Geographic Information Systems), raster to vector conversion refers to the process of converting raster data, such as satellite imagery or scanned maps, into vector data, such as points, lines, and polygons. This conversion allows for more precise analysis and manipulation of geographic data, as vector data is inherently more flexible and can be easily edited and analyzed. GIS software often includes tools for raster to vector conversion, enabling users to extract features from raster data and convert them into vector format for further analysis and visualization.
Polygonize is a specific raster to vector conversion process in GIS, typically used to convert raster data into polygon vector data. In ArcGIS, the "Polygonize" function is often referred to as "Raster to Polygon" tool. This tool converts raster cells or groups of cells into polygons, with each polygon representing a continuous area of the same cell value in the raster.
The Raster to Polygon tool in ArcGIS allows you to specify parameters such as field name, simplification tolerance, and output feature class. It's commonly used for tasks such as converting land cover classifications from satellite imagery into vector polygons, or delineating watersheds from digital elevation models (DEMs).
By using the Polygonize or Raster to Polygon tool, users can effectively convert raster datasets into vector formats, enabling further analysis and visualization within the GIS environment.
