Raine Marolia, four months old


(thank you Darshana, for introducing me to Jenny Rebecca, and getting us to sing it for him this way)
Raine Marolia, four months old,
How do you like the world so far?
Raine Marolia , four months old,
Oh what a lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky,
Lucky boy you are.
For you have swings to be swung on,
Trees to be climbed up,
Days to be young on,
Toys you can wind up.
Grass to be lying on,
Sun up above,
Pillows for crying on,
When you're in love.
Ponies for riding,
Wind in your hair,
Slides to be sliding on,
Leaves in the air.
Dogs to be caring for,
Love to be giving,
Dreams to be daring for,
Long as you're living.
Yes, you have dreams to be daring for,
As long as you're living
Raine Marolia, four months old,
How do you like the world so far?
Raine Marolia , four months old,
Oh what a lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky,
Lucky boy you are.

