Rail Replacement Buses(again)Metro Testing Tallawong to Sydenham via Chatswood Stn - Sun 30 Jun 24

Dulcineasdiarycontinued - Apologies to all my viewers. No new videos for a while. Have been and still am sick . I usually don't get a severe cold or flu until December each year. This year my immune system must be pretty weak as it is only July 24. I am hoping to get well enough to go to the Bastille Day celebrations. I missed World Chocolate Day and going to Melbourne for the annual Cake Bake & Sweet Show which is usually not that good but being World Chocolate Day on Sun 7th July, it would have been nice to have spent the day down there at the show. Oh well maybe next year.
if you like this video go back to my video on the opening day of the Metro from Chatswood to Tallawong.It seems so long ago now.
It was another very wet weekend . There is only so many days working on assessments I can do. Haven't left the apartment except to take my rubbish out to the bin and do laundry downstairs for a week now. Had to go grocery shopping as I had run out of the basics.
Was planning to go to Macquarie Shopping Centre but the Metro was not running again - wait but I can see a Metro train on the tracks at Chatswood Station from the bus stop below. Well it's not trackwork this weekend so I go up to the station with an elderly couple visiting from Auckland who were a little confused with our rail network. They were heading to Hornsby but weren't sure if they went on the same line over the Harbour Bridge via Chatswood. It is confusing you can get to Hornsby via Chatswood in 2 directions the long way via central and the other via Chatswood I believe hence why getting to Ikea Rhodes is confusing. Stay on the train all the way to Rhodes from Chatswood vis Central or catch the metro when it's running from Chatswood and change at Epping then it's a few stops to Rhodes. It's a similar situation to Hornsby except not on the metro. Actually you could do the same from maybe one of the metro stations I have not tried it. Hornsby is a terminating and transfer station as well as a continuing station for Northern and North Western lines.
The Metro from Tallawong all the way to Sydenham ( this is so difficult to pronounce and spell!) is still being tested. It is due to open in August. The date keeps changing. I predict it will open the same day as the Parramatta Lightrail. Unlike the Parramatta lightrail which is using sandbags for load testing the Netro testing has been using filled water containers for load testing but today no sign of any weights on the metro trains just stopping and starting with doorams opening and closing no passengers and safety gates at stations remaining shut. The front and rear destination indicator panels with Sydenham and Tullawong on highlighting their direction of travel. First time I have actually stood on the Metro Platform of Chatswood and watched a test train. Did not see one in the opposite direction. There were other curious Asians who may or may not be train spotters around on the platform today as well. Whatever do you do an a rather chilly wet grey Winter's Sunday?
Since uploading this video there is doubt as to whether the metroline extension between Chatswood and Sydenham via the city will open on the 4th August 24 as planned as I suspect there may be another push back due to a disastrous malfunction during peak hour which left passengers stranded outside of Epping in a tunnel for over 2 hours with rail replacement buses unable to cope .
