Rai Bullar Bhatti Ji Nankana Sahib | Rai Bular & Guru Nanak Janam Asthan | Nankana Ka Rai Bullar

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Rai Bhular or Rai Bhoe (death circa 1515) was a Rajput Muslim noble of the Bhatti clan during the latter half of the fifteenth century. He was the chief of Rai Bhoe di Talvandi (Rai Bhular's Talvandi), the village where Guru Nanak was born in 1469. Later in life, Rai Bular was granted a feudal estate by his son-in-law, Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Governor of the Punjab. Rai Bhoe selected and rebuilt Talwandi, earlier known as Raipur. This city, which is situated about fortytwo miles west of Lahore and eighteen miles south of the river Ravi, later became known as Nankana Sahib.
Rai Bular had great affection for young Guru Nanak and held him in high esteem. According to Janam Sakhi accounts, Rai Bular perceived the Divine in Guru Nanak and became his 2nd devotee, the Guru's sister being his first. Once young Nanak was arraigned before him for having allowed the cattle herd he was tending to damage a farmer's crop. The Rai sent for Baba Kalu, the Guru's father, and directed him to compensate the farmer for the damage. But footmen sent to estimate the loss reported that they had seen no damage whatsoever. Rai Bular was as much surprised as the complainant himself, who insisted that he had seen with his own eyes the whole crop ruined and the buffaloes sitting amidst it after they had heartily gorged themselves on it. Returning to the town, the Rai called Father Kalu and said to him, "Your son is a great man. He is the honour of my town. Kalu, thou hast become exalted and I too am exalted in whose town such a one has been born." Guru Nanak reciprocated the honour and affection extended to him by Rai Bular and never failed in between his long travels to visit him, who always felt blessed to see him. Even when he lay dying, the Guru was by his bedside.
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Video link of Coplete Video of Gurdwara Nankana Sahib and Gurdwara Pehli PatShahi Makhdumpur are here ... must watch
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