儿童睡前故事|第7集|小小科学家《跟着妮妮探索世界》|中文绘本故事|CN Eng sub|探索奥秘故事

儿童睡前故事 :小小科学家《跟着妮妮探索世界》讲述了妮妮是个好奇宝宝,对什么事物都感到好奇,因为她的好奇心让她在生活中不断发现惊奇事物,妮妮究竟发现了什么,又怎么用科学方法来满足她的好奇心呢?一起和妮妮来探索吧!
Bedtime Story: Little Scientist "Explore the World with Nini"
This story tells about Nini, a very curious little girl who is fascinated by everything around her. Her curiosity leads her to constantly discover amazing things in her daily life. What did Nini discover, and how did she use scientific methods to satisfy her curiosity? Come and explore with Nini!
