R&F Pigment Sticks - Art Supply Showcase at Upwards Art Studio

R&F Pigment Sticks® are oil paint manufactured with enough wax for the paint to be molded into stick form. They allow the painter to draw or paint directly onto a surface without brushes, palettes, paint tubes, or solvents. We use only the basic traditional materials: natural wax (beeswax & plant wax), linseed oil, and pigment. The result is an oil stick with a lipstick soft consistency.
Explore firsthand how R&F Pigment Sticks can elevate your artistic practice.
We at Upwards carry the full line of R&F Pigment Sticks including sets. Upwards Art Studio is located in the Owen Sound River District. We specialize in retailing high quality art supplies. Our brick-and-mortar store is open Monday-Saturday. Our online store is always open.
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