Quotation MASTER: The mystery about the Queen 👑 of Heavens

I don't learn from books spirit always carry me to the spiritual and teach me :Quotation MASTER
There are 13000 Heavens: Quotation MASTER

Пікірлер: 49

  • @princeacheampong9670
    @princeacheampong9670 Жыл бұрын

    Nyansa you really deserve the name, I really like you basaa

  • @nanammm777
    @nanammm777 Жыл бұрын

    The king of wisdom Mr Quotation master!! may our Africa God's continues bless you for long life!!

  • @shaddaghana7908
    @shaddaghana7908 Жыл бұрын

    I believe it’s about time we pay attention to African spirituality )pemsan wonkwaso

  • @ckmanifest6198
    @ckmanifest6198 Жыл бұрын

    It’s been 5years since I started following This man QUOTATION MASTER. May God bless this man

  • @nanaotuapim3022
    @nanaotuapim3022 Жыл бұрын

    Powerful man💯💯💯💯💪💪💪💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @marilynlucas5128
    @marilynlucas5128 Жыл бұрын

    ISHTAR : Ishtar, (Akkadian), Sumerian Inanna, in Mesopotamian religion, goddess of war and sexual love. Ishtar is the Akkadian counterpart of the West Semitic goddess Astarte. Inanna, an important goddess in the Sumerian pantheon, came to be identified with Ishtar, but it is uncertain whether Inanna is also of Semitic origin or whether, as is more likely, her similarity to Ishtar caused the two to be identified. In the figure of Inanna several traditions seem to have been combined: she is sometimes the daughter of the sky god An, sometimes his wife; in other myths she is the daughter of Nanna, god of the moon, or of the wind god, Enlil. In her earliest manifestations she was associated with the storehouse and thus personified as the goddess of dates, wool, meat, and grain; the storehouse gates were her emblem. She was also the goddess of rain and thunderstorms-leading to her association with An, the sky god-and was often pictured with the lion, whose roar resembled thunder. The power attributed to her in war may have arisen from her connection with storms. Inanna was also a fertility figure, and, as goddess of the storehouse and the bride of the god Dumuzi-Amaushumgalana, who represented the growth and fecundity of the date palm, she was characterized as young, beautiful, and impulsive-never as helpmate or mother. She is sometimes referred to as the Lady of the Date Clusters. Ishtar’s primary legacy from the Sumerian tradition is the role of fertility figure; she evolved, however, into a more complex character, surrounded in myth by death and disaster, a goddess of contradictory connotations and forces-fire and fire-quenching, rejoicing and tears, fair play and enmity. The Akkadian Ishtar is also, to a greater extent, an astral deity, associated with the planet Venus. With Shamash, the sun god, and Sin, the moon god, she forms a secondary astral triad. In this manifestation her symbol is a star with 6, 8, or 16 rays within a circle. As goddess of Venus, delighting in bodily love, Ishtar was the protectress of prostitutes and the patroness of the alehouse. Part of her cult worship probably included temple prostitution. Her popularity was universal in the ancient Middle East, and in many centres of worship she probably subsumed numerous local goddesses. In later myth she was known as Queen of the Universe, taking on the powers of An, Enlil, and Enki.

  • @s.p.7525


    Жыл бұрын

    which all is associated with the moon. also the moon was called sin. and the moon is satellite that watches our soul activities. so government also had created a sin number just to monitored us like the moon

  • @arhinussif8785
    @arhinussif8785 Жыл бұрын

    He's full of wisdom 🙏🙏

  • @benjaminmanu5552
    @benjaminmanu5552 Жыл бұрын

    Jah rasta ..fire burn

  • @lordnanayaw6796
    @lordnanayaw6796 Жыл бұрын

    🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Deep knowledge🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

  • @kwakutaurus1689
    @kwakutaurus1689 Жыл бұрын

    My Godfather, u too much💗💎💎

  • @victoriaadu2190


    Жыл бұрын

    Where is he located

  • @kwakutaurus1689


    Жыл бұрын

    Adey search for him more than u self koraa

  • @adongoemmanuel841
    @adongoemmanuel841 Жыл бұрын

    Wisdom is speaking

  • @marilynlucas5128
    @marilynlucas5128 Жыл бұрын

    CERES : In ancient Roman religion, Ceres (/ˈsɪəriːz/ SEER-eez,[1][2] Latin: [ˈkɛreːs]) was a goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships.[3] She was originally the central deity in Rome's so-called plebeian or Aventine Triad, then was paired with her daughter Proserpina in what Romans described as "the Greek rites of Ceres". Her seven-day April festival of Cerealia included the popular Ludi Ceriales (Ceres' games). She was also honoured in the May lustratio of the fields at the Ambarvalia festival, at harvest-time, and during Roman marriages and funeral rites. She is usually depicted as a mature woman. Ceres is the only one of Rome's many agricultural deities to be listed among the Dii Consentes, Rome's equivalent to the Twelve Olympians of Greek mythology. The Romans saw her as the counterpart of the Greek goddess Demeter,[4] whose mythology was reinterpreted for Ceres in Roman art and literature.[3] The name Cerēs stems from Proto-Italic *kerēs ('with grain, Ceres'; cf. Faliscan ceres, Oscan kerrí 'Cererī' The Proto-Italic adjective *keresjo- ('belonging to Ceres') can also be reconstructed from Oscan kerríiúí (fem. kerríiai), and Umbrian śerfi (fem. śerfie). A masculine form *keres-o- ('with grain, Cerrus') is attested in Umbrian śerfe. The spelling of Latin Cerus, a masculine form of Ceres denoting the creator (cf. Cerus manus 'creator bonus', duonus Cerus 'good Cerus'), might also reflect Cerrus, which would match the other Italic forms.[5] Ancient Roman etymologists thought that ceres derived from the Latin verb gerere, "to bear, bring forth, produce", because the goddess was linked to pastoral, agricultural and human fertility. Archaic cults to Ceres are well-evidenced among Rome's neighbours in the Regal period, including the ancient Latins, Oscans and Sabellians, less certainly among the Etruscans and Umbrians. An archaic Faliscan inscription of c. 600 BC asks her to provide far (spelt wheat),[6] which was a dietary staple of the Mediterranean world. Throughout the Roman era, Ceres' name was synonymous with grain and, by extension, with bread. Cults and cult themes Agricultural fertility Ceres was credited with the discovery of spelt wheat (Latin far), the yoking of oxen and ploughing, the sowing, protection and nourishing of the young seed, and the gift of agriculture to humankind; before this, it was said, man had subsisted on acorns, and wandered without settlement or laws. She had the power to fertilize, multiply and fructify plant and animal seed, and her laws and rites protected all activities of the agricultural cycle. In January, Ceres (alongside the earth-goddess Tellus) was offered spelt wheat and a pregnant sow, at the movable Feriae Sementivae. This was almost certainly held before the annual sowing of grain. The divine portion of sacrifice was the entrails (exta) presented in an earthenware pot (olla).[8] In a rural, agricultural context, Cato the Elder describes the offer to Ceres of a porca praecidanea (a pig, offered before harvesting).[9] Before the harvest, she was offered a propitiary grain sample (praemetium).[10] Ovid tells that Ceres "is content with little, provided that her offerings are casta" (pure).[11] Ceres' main festival, Cerealia, was held from mid to late April. It was organised by her plebeian aediles and included circus games (ludi circenses). It opened with a horse-race in the Circus Maximus, whose starting point lay below and opposite to her Aventine Temple;[12] the turning post at the far end of the Circus was sacred to Consus, a god of grain-storage. After the race, foxes were released into the Circus, their tails ablaze with lighted torches, perhaps to cleanse the growing crops and protect them from disease and vermin, or to add warmth and vitality to their growth.[13] From c.175 BC, Cerealia included ludi scaenici (theatrical religious events) through April 12 to 18.[14] Helper gods In the ancient sacrum cereale a priest, probably the Flamen Cerialis, invoked Ceres (and probably Tellus) along with twelve specialised, minor assistant-gods to secure divine help and protection at each stage of the grain cycle, beginning shortly before the Feriae Sementivae.[15] W.H. Roscher lists these deities among the indigitamenta, names used to invoke specific divine functions.[16] Vervactor, "He who ploughs"[17] Reparātor, "He who prepares the earth" Imporcĭtor, "He who ploughs with a wide furrow"[17] Insitor, "He who plants seeds" Obarātor, "He who traces the first ploughing" Occātor, "He who harrows" Serritor, "He who digs" Subruncinator, "He who weeds" Mĕssor, "He who reaps" Convector, "He who carries the grain" Conditor, "He who stores the grain" Promitor, "He who distributes the grain" Marriage, human fertility and nourishment In Roman bridal processions, a young boy carried Ceres' torch to light the way; "the most auspicious wood for wedding torches came from the spina alba, the may tree, which bore many fruits and hence symbolised fertility".[18] The adult males of the wedding party waited at the groom's house. A wedding sacrifice was offered to Tellus on the bride's behalf; a sow is the most likely victim. Varro describes the sacrifice of a pig as "a worthy mark of weddings" because "our women, and especially nurses" call the female genitalia porcus (pig). Spaeth (1996) believes Ceres may have been included in the sacrificial dedication, because she is closely identified with Tellus and, as Ceres legifera (law-bearer), she "bears the laws" of marriage. In the most solemn form of marriage, confarreatio, the bride and groom shared a cake made of far, the ancient wheat-type particularly associated with Ceres.[19][20] Funerary statue of an unknown woman, depicted as Ceres holding wheat. Mid 3rd century AD. (Louvre) From at least the mid-republican era, an official, joint cult to Ceres and Proserpina reinforced Ceres' connection with Roman ideals of female virtue. The promotion of this cult coincides with the rise of a plebeian nobility, an increased birthrate among plebeian commoners, and a fall in the birthrate among patrician families. The late Republican Ceres Mater (Mother Ceres) is described as genetrix (progenitress) and alma (nourishing); in the early Imperial era she becomes an Imperial deity, and receives joint cult with Ops Augusta, Ceres' own mother in Imperial guise and a bountiful genetrix in her own right.[21] Several of Ceres' ancient Italic precursors are connected to human fertility and motherhood; the Pelignan goddess Angitia Cerealis has been identified with the Roman goddess Angerona (associated with childbirth).

  • @mayaa905
    @mayaa905 Жыл бұрын

    Doing a great job Nyansa TV i appreciate your good work. We await on the Part 2.

  • @peacetorgbor2366
    @peacetorgbor2366 Жыл бұрын

    All about this young man is nice helpful

  • @footballgalaxy20233
    @footballgalaxy20233 Жыл бұрын

    Ceres also know as Demeter is the goddess of Agriculture

  • @earth_peaking6775
    @earth_peaking6775 Жыл бұрын


  • @adamsalhassan1920
    @adamsalhassan1920 Жыл бұрын

    Nyansa I swear I really like u I am ur big fun

  • @attahkukus561
    @attahkukus561 Жыл бұрын


  • @samuelsammy9643
    @samuelsammy9643 Жыл бұрын

    Mr host we don't like wht u are doing ok, if u don't stop that we will stop listing to u ooooh. Why the time small like that, be careful. Hahahha we luv u n master❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @malikdramani9274
    @malikdramani9274 Жыл бұрын


  • @henrytutu57
    @henrytutu57 Жыл бұрын

    I beg to differ, we have Asaase Adwoa,Asaase Abena,Asaase Akua,Asaase Yaa, Asaase Afua,Asaase Ama and Asaase Akosua- period.

  • @ckmanifest6198
    @ckmanifest6198 Жыл бұрын

    Nyansa pls your time for the interview is very short . Try and do something about it pls

  • @joejy8225
    @joejy8225 Жыл бұрын

    Gyae anumdwa no, anumdwa nkoaaa.

  • @mangalmukhiya8409


    Жыл бұрын

    Eeiiii why Joe 😂😂 you know Nana Owusu Ansah is looking for him anaa 🤣🤣🤣

  • @sarpongernest232
    @sarpongernest232 Жыл бұрын


  • @zadokzadok2392
    @zadokzadok2392 Жыл бұрын

    Anapurna salt too

  • @mangalmukhiya8409


    Жыл бұрын

    K15 😂😂😂😂

  • @marilynlucas5128
    @marilynlucas5128 Жыл бұрын

    DIONYSIUS: Dionysius the Areopagite (/daɪəˈnɪsiəs/; Greek: Διονύσιος ὁ Ἀρεοπαγίτης Dionysios ho Areopagitēs) was an Athenian judge at the Areopagus Court in Athens, who lived in the first century. A convert to Christianity, he is venerated as a saint by multiple denominations. As related in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 17:34), he was converted to Christianity by the preaching of Paul the Apostle[2] After his conversion, Dionysius became the first Bishop of Athens.[3] He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox churches. He is the patron saint of Athens and is venerated as the protector of the Judges and the Judiciary. His memory is celebrated on October 3.

  • @mayaa905
    @mayaa905 Жыл бұрын

    Sure! If you do a thorough research we're all doing the same thing with different names!!

  • @marilynlucas5128
    @marilynlucas5128 Жыл бұрын

    There's no God that a human did not create.

  • @24hoursmedialtd29
    @24hoursmedialtd29 Жыл бұрын

    So where is hell too?

  • @emmanuelblez3356


    Жыл бұрын

    Heaven and hell is a state of mind, the Christian doctrines teaches hell is a place where there's a fire 🔥 to burn people are lies ,they put fear into humanity so they can control the masses

  • @mangalmukhiya8409


    Жыл бұрын

    I don't know ooo

  • @missmends4544


    Жыл бұрын

    Those Arab countries. They are wicked

  • @dominicansu2706
    @dominicansu2706 Жыл бұрын

    Please sir, can I have quotation master number? I have a problem personally and I want to tell him to help me please

  • @niinuetey9878


    Жыл бұрын

    You do not need his number or him. You will be surprised to know that an able person who could help you is living next door to you but you may never know if you don't ask or knock and engage people in such stuff. There are many folks with great abilities, knowledge etc but they choose never to be on social media. People like quotation Master are doing a job assigned to them. To show the way. First of all go to your home town and go see the priest or priestess. Trust me. Go home.

  • @mangalmukhiya8409


    Жыл бұрын

    @@niinuetey9878 no bro he need our Lord Jesus Christ

  • @papapee4real


    Жыл бұрын

    @@mangalmukhiya8409 who is our Lord Jesus Christ? And you and who Lord?

  • @paakwasi2627
    @paakwasi2627 Жыл бұрын

    eeiiii ghaaana hahahahaha. h33 wo kwasea w'ate quotation master.

  • @nyansaTVGH


    Жыл бұрын

    Pls keep your comments respectful we don't insult here.

  • @paakwasi2627


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nyansaTVGH mo maame tw3 kankan go and tell gyimiiii gyimiiii akuffo addo to respond to ghanaians respectful and see if you can continue to work. with what audacity do you accept your superiority over whoever comments on the social media? i guess you're asanteni isn't it? no wonder you're a jon. wo gyimiiii s3 gyimiiii gyimiiii akuffo addo.

  • @edwardfiifi8779
    @edwardfiifi8779 Жыл бұрын

    This guy doesn't know anything as he claims. Everything he says is copy and paste. Tweaaaaaaa

  • @nanaotuapim3022
    @nanaotuapim3022 Жыл бұрын

    Powerful man💯💯💯💯💪💪💪💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @amoakowaabatv
    @amoakowaabatv Жыл бұрын

    Wisdom is speaking