去生日Party前必看!4大「失禮位」唔識好尷尬😱 「派對迷思」冇人同我講😂 【施家・

►Follow My IG: @gregory_sy

Пікірлер: 29

  • @blackcolor5809
    @blackcolor5809 Жыл бұрын

    祝 Josh 生日快樂!快高長大!恩典滿滿!❤️ 睇就好似地方外國好玩啲、嘢食就好似香港吸引啲!😅 (最愛片尾兩口子嘅真情流露,講得好真,其實都唔知仲有幾多次陪小朋友嘅時光!時間真係過得好快、每次陪佢嘅時間都好似倒數中。。。😣)

  • @TimothyYNWA
    @TimothyYNWA Жыл бұрын

    Josh 生日快樂~ 身體健康~快高長大

  • @wingmi12ster
    @wingmi12ster Жыл бұрын

    多數party都有回禮,不論係大人小朋友party都有,豐儉由人。But usually small gift only like small toys and candies.

  • @billielam8644
    @billielam8644 Жыл бұрын

    Happy birthday Josh! May God bless you full of love, happy and healthy! Enjoy the party! 🎂🍧💖

  • @elenatam7104
    @elenatam7104 Жыл бұрын

    Happy Birthday Josh !!! I hope you had fun hitting the piñata. Growing up in Venezuela as a kid I had fun hitting the piñata when I attended friends and family birthday party. Usually the piñata is hang outside the house because we use a wooden stick to hit the piñata and it was filled with lots of candies and toys. Take care Sy family and stay safe 🙂.

  • @ziqz467
    @ziqz467 Жыл бұрын

    Are you one two three?如果60歲大壽咁唔使食蛋糕啦。數到飽😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @kingli1856


    Жыл бұрын


  • @paulchan3358
    @paulchan3358 Жыл бұрын


  • @travelhomedad
    @travelhomedad Жыл бұрын

    Several other options we normally for kids birthday party: Treetop trekking, renting a gym and room at a local community centre (with food and party), at home food stand followed by a backyard party so don' need to clean as much inside the house. Happy Birthday!

  • @monicaw6247
    @monicaw6247 Жыл бұрын

    In US, we have kid bday party at school, at home ( with bouncy house rental and pinata in the backyard), or host it at " pump it up" or "chucky cheese". Last few years many of the parents actually host the kid bday party at a new venue called " I-fly". It's indoor sky diving and its quite pricy but super fun.

  • @chloeyeung9966
    @chloeyeung9966 Жыл бұрын


  • @kellychu82
    @kellychu8210 ай бұрын


  • @pychow5666
    @pychow5666 Жыл бұрын

    會唔會唔同嘅地區會有唔同呢?我去過幾個小朋友生日會(加拿大東岸)都無試過有數 are you one are you two 啊。但每次都一定有個小回禮,都係糖果,零食或者小玩具之類。唔會係一盒大富翁之類咁貴嘅玩具。 全個 Vlog 最好睇係最後兩人 share 嗰 part, 施生施太真係好好嘅 parents.

  • @travelhomedad
    @travelhomedad Жыл бұрын

    it depends on the location and where the party is. for birthday gift to friends I would say budget around 30-50 depending on the relationship of the kids and the type of setting the host is inviting. for the small return gift, I would say anything from $5-$10 is a good number.

  • @slwong4682
    @slwong4682 Жыл бұрын


  • @janhuen4434
    @janhuen4434 Жыл бұрын


  • @the_sy_family


    Жыл бұрын

    多謝祝福 ☺️

  • @pollenayeung5815
    @pollenayeung5815 Жыл бұрын

    建議你一個好地方,詳情參考佢哋網站 Richmond Hill Live Streamers 好正!

  • @simpson5311
    @simpson5311 Жыл бұрын

    美国工业标准回礼一定要,大概USD $10-$15, 意思意思而已, 不一定好贵

  • @xx-ht9fo
    @xx-ht9fo Жыл бұрын

    以前返pt見過有家長幫小朋友搞生日party, 佢地係有做回禮 而個回禮我記得係一啲小玩具🤔

  • @andylou7352
    @andylou7352 Жыл бұрын


  • @jjcookidea
    @jjcookidea Жыл бұрын

    之前同小孩搞生日party, 回禮係買了$300玩具,文具加糖果。自己設計幾個攤位遊戲,換贴紙當積分。最後,10位小朋友自己換想要的禮物。

  • @the_sy_family


    Жыл бұрын

    呢個諗法好好,好有心思! 有咩攤位呢🤪

  • @jjcookidea


    Жыл бұрын

    掟波波入纸杯,hula hoop 5 times, hungry hippo, 夾波子,摺纸等等。因為covid前小孩只有七歲,要玩D野係七八歲小孩可以玩到,先可以將禮物全部送出。😁 個個小孩都玩得好開心,準備咗啲食物,掛住玩都無食。😅

  • @chrisron9751
    @chrisron9751 Жыл бұрын

    🤭cfu 幾時拍返條入樽片黎睇下先🤪

  • @the_sy_family


    Жыл бұрын


  • @StellaStellaVermillion
    @StellaStellaVermillion Жыл бұрын

    我自己幾廿歲人, 都會想了解細個生日係點過, 所以你地有幫小朋友錄低係好事黎! 第日佢地就有得回味了

  • @the_sy_family


    Жыл бұрын


  • @StellaStellaVermillion


    Жыл бұрын

    @@the_sy_family 而家Google account要兩年用一次先保留到account 有時候我諗放ThisAV仲好過放youtube🤣
