Q and A - Adventures in Democracy (Panel Includes Richard Dawkins) (Part 5/6)

Aired Monday 8 March, 2010
The Q&A panel includes: Richard Dawkins, Patrick McGorry, Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio, Tony Burke and Julie Bishop.
Here are the questions our panel faced this week. Tell us what your answer would be or what you think our panellists need to say.
Arthur Lith asked: Can one be a believer in God as well as a believer in the theory of evolution?
What do you think?
Religion and Psychology
Dan Anderson asked: Do you think that a belief in the transcendent (whatever that might be, but including 'God') is important within a healthy human psychology, or do you regard it as a symptom of mental illness?
What do you think?
Areligion/Atheism/Santa Claus
Cassandra Devine asked: Why do you feel the need to express your views so stridently when they're not always welcome? Isn't it rather like going around to playgrounds and telling children that Santa Claus isn't real?
What do you think?
Renee Brasier asked: You are clearly against the teaching of creationism in the context of Science, but do you think there is any value in teaching religion in schools?
What do you think?
Hamzah Qureshi asked: Considering atheism cannot possibly have any sort of absolute morality, is it not then an irrational "leap of faith" (which atheists themselves so harshly condemn) for an atheist to decide between right and wrong, considering they have no absolute moral standard?
What do you think?
Intelligent Design
David from Victoria asked: Do you believe intelligent design should be part of the science curriculum, taught alongside evolution? Or do you believe it is non-scientific and should be relegated to the rubbish bin?
What do you think?
Religion and Gays
Andrew Kollington asked: Senator Fielding - you are courageously open about your religious and moral beliefs. As a believer in God, do you accept the Bible as the word of God and those who participate in homosexual behavior ought to be shunned or be put to death as the Bible demands? Or do so called moderate Christians' simply choose to ignore the word of God in this case, picking what passages they feel best suit our social trends?"
What do you think?
Asylum Seekers
Dennis Colombo asked: Both Labor and the Coalition have been severely criticised for their handling of the boat people asylum seekers. I would like to hear the views of the non-politicians on the panel about how they would go about it. Perhaps they can lead our politicians to a fresh approach!
What do you think?
Web question from Patrick OShea of Queensland: Do you wish for or indeed hope for an Afterlife?

Пікірлер: 58

  • @monkey505boy
    @monkey505boy12 жыл бұрын

    The interviewer is unusually well-spoken, BTW.

  • @killerboyfoolz
    @killerboyfoolz13 жыл бұрын

    Let Richard talk!

  • @Corneilius5188
    @Corneilius518814 жыл бұрын

    @Vampified I think the ultimate trifecta would be Dawkins, Hitchens and Stephen Fry. Now that would be a team worth watching!

  • @MKRX7
    @MKRX714 жыл бұрын

    @ExtremeBogom I like how you think, judge individuals by their actions and not by what they believe or have in common with other people. Everyone should be like that.

  • @baronsengir187
    @baronsengir18714 жыл бұрын

    Oh Dawkins... You are admirable. Such skill in aclming yourself. Would be a perfect diplomat. I even can see him have some tea with Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard.

  • @Snuvs
    @Snuvs14 жыл бұрын

    Agreed. When Dawkins made a statement in part 4 about the Christian Doctrine he didn't change his statement at all. I don't understand why they couldn't see that he didn't change his opinion. It only takes a little bit of paying attention with a sprinkle of critical thinking.

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot14 жыл бұрын

    Exactly. For example, I was convinced that I was the world's greatest lover, but my current girlfriend made me accept the fact that i'm probably only in the top 10. Very humbling!

  • @chestypants78
    @chestypants7812 жыл бұрын

    How many times does Dawkins look to the ceiling, like he's thinking to himself: "Noooooooooo, these people are idiots!" ?

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks He's just being forthright about his point of view,it just sounds harsh because we arent used to religion being challenged in that manner.Some of us think it's time that it was,as it is used to getting all its own way un-challenged.If you go back and listen to what he said,he isnt being insulting,we're just conditioned to think that any challenge to that point of view is insulting.As he says"You can be strident about ppls politics but we're not allowed to criticise religion"

  • @spacerumsfeld
    @spacerumsfeld14 жыл бұрын

    @MKRX7 I don't think that will do, because belief is a major determinant of action. The two are inseparable. Thus, it does matter what people believe and we do need to judge belief.

  • @garouHH
    @garouHH14 жыл бұрын

    He didn't have to. He put himself there.

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot14 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for understanding my desire for denial. I just couldn't handle the terrifying truth. ;)

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot14 жыл бұрын

    But who would be the one(s) "awarding" that power? If we leave it up to the public, we'll get exactly what we have now. If we don't, we'll have an oligarchy (at best). Ah, the pitfalls of democracy... :)

  • @monkey505boy
    @monkey505boy12 жыл бұрын

    Five believers against one atheist. I felt bad for them.

  • @Lennac
    @Lennac13 жыл бұрын

    @dietermauer And even Dawkins seemed to struggle maintaining his polite and respectful demeanor... Quite a feat for him to have sat through this.

  • @nicknormousreports3378
    @nicknormousreports337811 жыл бұрын

    i think prof richard dawkins is such a daunting force for the history deniers to deal with that hey have to outnumber him on debates... to put one other scientist on his side... is to tip the scales drastically...

  • @gotrootdude
    @gotrootdude14 жыл бұрын

    @anthonzi Way too often, people glorify the past to the point of making it and it's people mythical heroic and magically trouble free, when what parts of the past are best remembered is not what we have done correctly but what we've done incorrectly so that we do not repeat our mistakes.

  • @Fuglebolle
    @Fuglebolle12 жыл бұрын

    It is a mystery to me how that last guy talking can be a famous politician in Australia. Does he really think that a freshly arrived immigrant knows the statistics of immigration?

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks ....secular side who feel just as passionately as the fanatics about my values, then that might persuade someone too!

  • @JoshLulz
    @JoshLulz13 жыл бұрын

    if only the hitchslap was here

  • @dawkins75
    @dawkins7512 жыл бұрын

    @dietermauer I miss Hitchens, but the two of them woulda ripped these guys/gals a new one.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks As for not feeling sorry for yourself...too rigt you shouldn't, you should be angry! Angry that someone thinks they have the right to put you down and tell you that something in your nature is an abomination! There's nothing wrong with a bit of righteous anger...I dont mean hatred, just passion for a just cause!

  • @controllerbrain
    @controllerbrain14 жыл бұрын

    @allthatisrealislove You could very easily do that.

  • @ste45
    @ste4514 жыл бұрын

    @49fiori Exactly! And the sacrifice analogy of saving us. What is he saving us from? Original sin? Well, who put that there? The whole things a joke.

  • @LunarPoet
    @LunarPoet14 жыл бұрын

    @Snuvs Have you ever felt that something was wrong without really being able to explain it logically? I often do, though I desperately try to find a logic and disregard the feeling if I can't. Dawkins made them see their own stupidity, which is what hurt them and made them feel like he was being disrespectful. Yet they probably felt that they're still correct, and that's ok to them. To them that feeling is more powerful than logic for some reason.

  • @Morphixx
    @Morphixx14 жыл бұрын

    Apparently challenging faith is disrespectful.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks Only just seen this...you're welcome!:)

  • @davemac5257
    @davemac525710 жыл бұрын

    Don't challenge it please please ..

  • @LunarPoet
    @LunarPoet14 жыл бұрын

    @Snuvs Well maybe it's something like that.

  • @Trazynn
    @Trazynn14 жыл бұрын

    Bloody hell that guy looks like Coetzee in every way.

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot14 жыл бұрын

    Good question. I gave it a high rating because I actually like to watch idiots--it makes me feel better about myself.

  • @lamb998
    @lamb99811 жыл бұрын

    Dawkins for PM

  • @Xaeldaren
    @Xaeldaren14 жыл бұрын

    This is a little one sided. If only Hitchens had joined Richard there, it would have been a clash of epic proportions. And by that I mean a complete and utter slaughter.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks 'I'm an atheist, so wrong.' Wrong about what? Whatever you think was directed at you, it wasnt...I was making a general point.. Also you mistake conviction for aggression...frustration maybe. But I'll have a gentle debate with anyone, that said, I will respect ppl enough to have a frank and honest discussion with them and not pull any punches if I need to.You'll never convince the dyed-in-the-wool religious types,but if someone teetering on the edge sees that there are ppl on the....

  • @OpqHMg
    @OpqHMg14 жыл бұрын

    @spacerumsfeld HAHHHHAAHHAAHHAHAA

  • @ClumsyRoot
    @ClumsyRoot14 жыл бұрын

    Heh-heh... probably not. But I put the blame squarely on the voters, who, as a whole, remain willfully ignorant and only tangentially involved in the political process.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks Because you seem to be a religious apologist who is against frank and honest debate.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks What have the Romans ever..I mean, what harm has faith ever done?

  • @dawkins75
    @dawkins7512 жыл бұрын

    @TheDethBringer666 I think it's because he gets bored and annoyed

  • @TheDethBringer666
    @TheDethBringer66612 жыл бұрын

    @dawkins75 I don't blame him. People are so stupid...

  • @kurtilein3
    @kurtilein314 жыл бұрын

    there are millions of slaves living in the world today and i thought: no way, no way. ---- well, unfortunately its real.

  • @5150Rockstar
    @5150Rockstar14 жыл бұрын

    christians believe that because of a human sacrifice that occured to some eccentric preacher thousands of years ago, they're are washed clean as snow of anything they do in this life. (as long as they repent of course).The abducation of personal responsibility necessary for morality in our society. Why should I respect such a horrible idea? The whole thing wreaks of sadomasachism. Who but a serf would want any of this to be true? No, these people should be ridiculed and laughed at. Bravo Richard

  • @49fiori
    @49fiori14 жыл бұрын

    it is insulting for human intellect to suggest god sent his son to Earth to be sacrificed for our sins, that's called scapegoating and it is disgusting

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @roxasroks Dawkins is frustrated, and I can understand why. All he's doing is speaking his mind honestly, and all the faithful have to fall back on is 'that offends me'. Well the faithful need to get over themselves, as stupidity like that offends me but I just get on with things, grow up.

  • @TheDethBringer666
    @TheDethBringer66612 жыл бұрын

    Look I'm an Atheist, you could even call me an anti-theist, but I just have to say this. Dawkins sits in such odd positions...

  • @spacerumsfeld
    @spacerumsfeld14 жыл бұрын

    I wouldn't mind making the Rabbi scream for her god (if you know what I mean), but other than that I'm sorry to say the religious-minded don't have anything to contribute to this panel.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio197614 жыл бұрын

    @RaddScorpion We aren't doing much better at the moment. But I've got to say, especially when the 2 blokes open their mouths...I'm embarrassed for you, they're like spoof/parody politicians.

  • @BishweshJoshi
    @BishweshJoshi14 жыл бұрын

    Dawkins is boring. Hitchens is the man. He should be the one debating.

  • @lunaticks000
    @lunaticks00011 жыл бұрын

    its really unfair dawkins is up there on his own against these egotistical ignorant maniacs, especially burke and bishop, plus the fool playing the poor-little-me/us jews.
