Put God To The Test | 11th O.T. | Fr Hamilton

The Ask!
As your spiritual father I am asking you to discern this coming week on giving $35 every month to the Capital Campaign (that is $420).
This is on top of the regular donations you already give.
Our finances are part of how we worship God, so when we put God first, we are saying by our actions that God is first in my life and I want to give him - like Abel - the first and the best … not what is left over.
Here is an example that goes right to the heart of our fear of trusting in God. The response of God to this fear (it is the only place in the entire bible where God does this) dares us to put him to the test … to trust in him and specifically in the financial area of our life!
Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How are we robbing thee?’ In your tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me; the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; and thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing (Malachi 3: 8-13)
This is the one place in the entire bible where God is daring his people to put him to the test --- to trust him with full tithes in the storehouse - which for us means the church!
Here at Corpus Christi we are tasked with the need of paying down our $ 6M debt.
Each year (until our debt is paid off) we need to give an additional $350k just to pay down our mortgage. We can and will do this IF we trust in the Lord and give him our first and our best!
This next part I’m going to say is very important and I speak to you as your spiritual father and from the heart.
What I am asking for - of each of you - is $35 extra each month ($420 for the year) that will go to the Capital Campaign to pay down our debt.
We still need all other donations to run the operations of the parish and fund our Vision.

How can you give like this?
Do not underestimate the power of prayer!
1) Make a conscious deliberate act of trust in the Lord and as I mentioned last week follow this formula of give, save, live!
2) Give up 1 Dim sum a month --- that is actually about $100 for a group of 3 or 4.
3) Others - start by asking ---- do I need Netflix and Crave and Amazon Prime and all the Starbuck coffees I drink when I could be a part of the lives that are being changed for Christ here at CC?
Can I skip two nights a month of the skip the dishes, and offer that to Christ and His Church? Once again, try it and see if God is not outdone in His generosity!
The Lord gives his first and his best; the Lord wants us - challenges us - to identify our fears and shift priorities; the Lord dares us to put him to the test and give the same way that he gives to you!
As your spiritual father I am asking you to discern this coming week on giving $35 every month to the Capital Campaign (that is $420).
This is on top of the regular donations you already give.
Next week we will present a pledge form and a letter from me.
We can do this --- trusting in God - together as a parish family!
God is NEVER outdone in generosity. I invite you to test God and see if you can outdo Him in generosity.
