Pulling the Me’s into the Conversation - SMART Recovery Podcast

Alex Colyer realized too late, all that she didn’t know about addiction and recovery after loosing her best friend Reed McGregor in January 2021. To honor Reed’s memory and legacy, Alex started the Albertus Project, a nonprofit organization that is transforming the way world views addiction.
In this podcast, Alex talks about:
Holding old, stigmatized views of addiction and not knowing the truth
What Reed McGregor meant to so many people around the world
How the world doesn’t show compassion to people with addictions
That addiction isn’t who people are, but something they have
Starting to do research but not finding the answers to her questions
Turning tragedy into action by founding the Albertus Project
The goals and value add of the organization
Pulling the Me’s into the conversation
Giving people a voice with the Humans of Addiction stories
Learning about SMART and the Family & Friends program
That money shouldn’t stand in the way of a person’s recovery and the initiatives the Albertus Project have in place to help
How her views on harm reduction changed with a simple analogy
