PSALM 33 TEHILIM - RANENU TZADIKIM ניגון רננו צדיקים תהילים 33 | RELAXING MUSIC - hebrew song


The righteous sing in plural, in community of souls. And all their desire is to increase the power of the Supreme in the world, so that He becomes felt by all created. He desires it because they are straight vessels and the abundance of good is stretched out in them directly, filling only the vessels of recoil in which there is a semblance of the form of the Supreme. Such vessels are beautiful to praise, for they are filled with the light of wisdom and bring joy to the Supreme. They shine the light in justice and in the straightness of their Souls, only where there is a quality of giving and faith.
rannenu tsaddiyqiym bayhvh layshâriym nâ'vâh thehillâh
hodhu layhvh bekhinnor benêbhel `âsor zammeru-lo
shiyru-lo shiyrchâdhâsh hêythiybhu naggên bithru`âh
kiy-yâshâr debhar-Adonay vekhol-ma`asêhu be'emunâh
vekhol-ma`asêhu be'emunâh 'ohêbh tsedhâqâh umishpâth chesed hAdonay mâl'âh hâ'ârets
bidhbhar Adonay shâmayim na`asuu bheruach piyv kol-tsebhâ'âm
konês kannêdh mêy hayyâm nothênbe'otsâroth tehomoth
yiyr'u mêyhvh kol-hâ'ârets mimmennu yâghurukol-yoshebhêy thêbhêl
kiy hu' 'âmar vayyehiy hu'-tsivvâh vayya`amodh
Adonay hêphiyr `atsath-goyim hêniy' machshebhoth `ammiym
`atsath Adonay le`olâm ta`amodh machshebhoth libbo ledhor vâdhor
'ashrêy haggoy 'asher-Adonay 'elohâyv
hâ`âm bâchar lenachalâhlo mishâmayim hibbiyth Adonay
râ'âh 'eth-kâl-benêy hâ'âdhâm mimmekhon-shibhto hishgiyach 'el kol-yoshebhêy hâ'ârets
hayyotsêryachadh libbâm hammêbhiyn 'el-kâl-ma`asêyhem
'êyn-hammelekhnoshâ` berobh-châyil gibbor lo'-yinnâtsêl berobh-koach
sheqer hassuslithshu`âh ubherobh chêylo lo' yemallêth
hinnêh `êyn Adonay'el-yerê'âyv lamyachaliym lechasdo
lehatsiyl mimmâveth naphshâmulechayyothâm bârâ`âbh
naphshênu chikkethâh layhvh `ezrênuumâghinnênu hu'
kiy-bho yismach libbênu kiy bheshêm qodhshobhâthâchnu
yehiy-chasdekha Adonay `âlêynu ka'asher yichalnu lâkh
Soothing music for deep immersion in meditation and contemplation. Motives strengthen the connection with the secret aspects of the divine, create inner harmony, give soul peace and true spiritual relaxation.
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