Prof. Zachary Steel - Traumatic horror, injustice, embitterment and shame. Moral injury in workplace

"Traumatic horror, injustice, embitterment and shame - the impact of moral injury in the workplace."
Professor. Zachary Steel - University of New South Wales
Fear based models of PTSD have dominated research and clinical approaches to PTSD since the 1990s. The role of overwhelming horror, injustice, embitterment and shame emerge as alternative
pathways to traumatic stress injury and the role of such emotions in addition to exposure to ‘life threat’. This session will provide attendees with an overview of research in moral injury which aims
to expand treatments for PTSD to better address role of these forms of traumatic stress injury.
Recorded as part of WorkSafe Tasmania PTSD: Mental Health Matters Conference, 14th October 2019
Content Warning:
These videos address issues relating to post traumatic stress disorder and other mental health conditions. Please be aware that presentations may contain content and imagery that may be confronting or cause distress.
