Privacy Awareness Week 2024 Queensland launch event

When it comes to the digital environment, most Australians want more power over their personal information. But in recent years, many of us have begun to feel that access to and use of our data
is increasingly out of our control.
In her keynote presentation, Australia’s Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind will discuss how it is essential that promising advances and innovations in areas like artificial intelligence are
tempered with responsible practices that empower individuals when it comes to their data. She will explore opportunities to power up privacy protections in the context of both the Queensland and federal governments committing to privacy law reform.
Ahead of reforms, Commissioner Kind will share how public and private sector organisations can enhance transparency, accountability and security to meet the challenges of the data age head on.
Also hear from John Edwards, UK Information Commissioner, as he shares his thoughts on the Privacy Awareness Week theme, ‘Privacy and technology: Improving transparency, accountability
and security’.
Followed by an expert panel discussion involving:
Kim Skubris, emcee and moderator
Carly Kind, Australia’s Privacy Commissioner
Chris McLaren, Chief Customer and Digital Officer, Queensland Government
Scott McDougall, Queensland Human Rights Commissioner
Paxton Booth, Privacy Commissioner, Queensland.

