Pregnancy Announcement REACTIONS!!

So guys, I’ve got a very special announcement to make…
Some of you have been wondering why I haven’t posted or been very active for a while. Well this explains why! I’ve been silently cooking this little bun in my oven. With just three and a half months to go I couldn’t be more excited to meet this little one. For now I’m going to enjoy every step of this journey…I’m learning something new everyday and loving it. I don’t take carrying this baby for granted, not for a second and am so honoured that God would entrust this child to us.
Enjoy this reactions video from the day we found out. Although not planned, I can confidently say that this little bundle of joy was far from an accident! This baby was a prophesy spoken from the mouth of God and was formed in His mind before He ever formed him in me. This little surprise is right on God’s time.
Make sure to watch in HD!
