Practicing James Hoffmann's A Better 1 Cup V60 Technique

Practicing James Hoffmann's A Better 1 Cup V60 Technique as presented in his video.
• A Better 1 Cup V60 Tec...
Coffee used in the video:
Coffee Stopover
Costa Rica Las Lajas Rima 15g
Light Roast | Black Honey | 1700m
Roasting Date: 2024/02/27
Grind Size: Comandante C40 #22 (medium to fine)
The pouring method is divided into five stages, with each pour being 50g:
00:00 - 00:45 Pour 50g of water, bloom for 45 seconds
00:45 - 01:00 Pour 50g
01:00 - 01:10 Wait for 10 seconds
01:10 - 01:20 Pour 50g
01:20 - 01:30 Wait for 10 seconds
01:30 - 01:40 Pour 50g
01:40 - 01:50 Wait for 10 seconds
01:50 - 02:00 Pour 50g
Wait for the water to drain
Total time approximately 3 minutes (I spent two and a half minutes).
The coffee has a rich flavor with strong notes of rum and dark chocolate. It's a method that extracts acidity, sweetness, and bitterness effectively. Due to the beans being processed with black honey, I found the taste a bit intense and diluted it with a little water. I'm curious to see how other beans would perform. Overall, it's a great method for extracting a full range of flavors. James recommends grind settings between 18-23 on the Comandante C40, which is worth experimenting with.

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