Police Car for kids. Police car chase. Police car race and chase for children Cartoon Police officer

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Police Car for kids. Police car chase. Police car race and chase for children Cartoon Police officer
Razer and Rocko are hiding behind the boxes on a harbor. There is a ship near the harbor, loaded with many boxes. A small boat is near it.
Razer (quiet, annoyed). What is going on there, Rocko? How long are we going to be here?
Rocko (annoyed, calming down Razer). Shshsh! Hush! Now the workers will ship the box with the jewelry from the ship to the boat and then we will still it! So! Be ready! Let’s go!
Rocko and Razer approach the boat. The box is tied on top of it.
Razer (inspired). Here is it!
The worker in a helmet appears at the back.
Worker (worried). Hey! What are you doing here?! It’s a private territory!
Rocko (threatening). You came not in a right time, man!
Rocko and Razer are standing behind the boxes. Worker is tied and sitting in front of them. He has a tape on his mouth.
Razer (sarcastic). Let’s leave him here! While the police finds out we will be on a beach drinking cocktails! We need to hurry to the airport to meet Boss.
Rocko and Razer leaving a harbor on a boat. Handy-Andy is walking near the harbor not far from the lighthouse.
Handy-Andy (happy). Today is a great weather and I decided to walk to the car shop.
At that moment, we can hear moaning of worker from the harbor.
Worker (moaning). MMMMM!
Handy-Andy (worried). I can hear someone there!
Handy-Andy approaches the harbor and sees tied worker.
Handy-Andy (worried). Someone tied the worker up! I need to help him!
Handy-Andy and worker (untied) are standing together.
Handy-Andy (asking). What has happened here?
Worker (worried). Two bandits stole the boat with a box of jewelry. I had to ship them to museum. But my boat was stolen. They tied me up!
Handy-Andy (thinking, quiet). Two bandits…(realized) It were Razer and Rocko, for sure!
Worker (thinking). They were talking about Boss and an airport…
Handy-Andy (loud and clear). Call the police fast! I’m going to chase them on a boat right now! I need to catch them before they leave the city!
Handy-Andy is in the bout.
Handy-Andy: Patrol speedboat is parked on the harbor. I’m going to use it to catch them.
Educational addition:
Speedboat - speed patrol boat of coastal zone. It’s the fastest boat in a city police. If you need to chase bandits by the water, speedboat will help you!
Handy-Andy is driving the boat.
Handy-Andy: Worker told me that they were talking about airport! So they went there!
Gradually the sun sets and becomes dark.
Handy-Andy (disappointed). I’m here for a long time, but still didn’t see the boat with Razer and Rocko! (happy) Oh! Here are they!
Bandits’ boat appears in front of Handy-Andy’s boat. Handy-Andy increase the speed and starts to chase them.
Rocko (loud, worried). Razer! They are chasing us! Tis is police! Go faster!
Handy-Andy is chasing Razer and Rocko between rocks. In a sometime boats are going in one line. Gets darker.
Razer (worried). Almost got us!
The sun is completely set. It’s very dark.
Handy-Andy (disappointed). It became dark so fast! I cannot see anything in front! on a speaker: Stop immediately! Give up! Repeat: stop immediately!
Handy-Andy’s boat almost hits the rock on a high speed.
Handy-Andy (loud, worried). Oops!
Handy-Andy turns the boat rapidly and the boat managed to avoid the rock from a right side. Razer and Rocko’s boat at that moment, goes further and hides behind the rock.
Rocko. Ha ha ha! We escaped!
Handy-Andy (upset). I lost them! It’s very hard to see in a darkness! Now they will have enough time to escape from the city with jewelry. (upset) Where is a police?! Nobody is going to help me?!
At that moment, the police helicopter appears in the sky above Handy-Andy’s boat.
Police officer (loud, worried, on a radio). Handy-Andy, over! Disembark fast! It’s very dangerous to chase bandits in such darkness!
Handy-Andy (clear, confident, on a radio). I cannot let the bandits go, sir!
Police officer (inspired). Handy-Andy is chasing the bandits in a darkness. (confident) I’m going to help him and light his way from the sky!
The searchlight is on in the police helicopter. It flies and makes the bandits boat visible. Razer and Rocko’s boat appears in front of Handy-Andy’s boat.
Handy-Andy (happy, on a radio). I see them! For sure! Here are they!
Handy-Andy is following bandits’ boat. Handy-Andy increases the speed, outruns them and blocks the way with his boat horizontally.
Razer (scared). Go to the left, Rocko! Faster! Or we will crash! (hit) Jewelry fell into the water! Boss will kill us!
