Poisoning of the Valle Vidal 1

This summer (2007) NM Fish and Game started the largest river poisoning program ever undertaken in the West. Over 15 years, 176 miles of pristine streams and 25 lakes are to be poisoned with Rotonone in order to eventally establish a genetically 'pure' stain of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout. Our tax dollars at work.

Пікірлер: 4

  • @mrsockeye
    @mrsockeye15 жыл бұрын

    Rotenenone is an essential part of fisheries management. Unfortunately, non native species have all but wiped out native salmonids. The only way to re-establish native salmonids is to use a pisciside (rotenone) and erect a downstream barrier to thwart the upstream movement of non-native species. What these idiots want you to believe is that rotenone is like pouring nuclear waste into the stream, which it isn't. It is a very effecient pisciside with minimal short lasting side effects.

  • @mrsockeye
    @mrsockeye15 жыл бұрын

    These fools also have no concept of what a Rio Grande Cutthroat is. "So they get a higher quality trout?" No, they get the native trout that has every right to be there, and wouldn't need rotenone treatments if the threat of extinction wasn't so emminent. Obviously, these guys don't have a clue of the difference between a rainbow trout and a Rio Grande Cutt. I'm sure that you were there to stop the treatment of Silver King Creek too, right?

  • @kanseki1
    @kanseki115 жыл бұрын

    getting paid by the 'industry'' ?

  • @kanseki1
    @kanseki115 жыл бұрын

    bla bla bla, getting tired now