Plymouth Armed Forces Day Air Show - 29/06/19 (Spitfire, Sea Fury and the Red Arrows)


On Saturday 29th June 2019, Plymouth held an event on the Hoe to celebrate Armed Forces Day, with many exhibits on the promenade and the Royal Navy's largest vessel, the carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth as the backdrop in Plymouth Sound.
This video starts with a few shots of the Queen Elizabeth followed by the air display that took place in the afternoon and features BBMF Spitfire XIX PM631, Navy Wings Sea Fury T20 VX281 and the Royal Air Force display team, the Red Arrows on their first visit to Plymouth since 2012.
The footage isn't great in places, particularly during the Reds display. Unfortunately, I couldn't see much on the viewfinder of my camcorder due to bright light and therefore filmed where I guessed the aircraft were! Thankfully, with a significant amount of editing and the inclusion of some music, it's just about passable!

