Peter Roselle: The Pitfalls of Craving

Peter Roselle: The Pitfalls of Craving
Peter speaks at King of Kings Worship Center on 11/28/2021
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At this rate, I will never finish.
Romans 1:20 "For, since the creation of the world,
His invisible attributes are clearly seen
being understood by the things that are made."
What's Paul saying in verse 20 of Romans 1?
That God makes Himself real to all of creation,
"Even His eternal power and Godhead so that they..."
[The people who don't believe in God] "are without excuse."
And look, you can do business with this on your own time,
but this is Romans 1, right up front,
right in the beginning that if people are denying God,
It's not because He hasn't made Himself real to them.
"In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit....
I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh." [Acts 2:17]
Even the ones who aren't saved yet
have had the Spirit poured out on them.
So maybe when you're talking to them, try to ask the Lord,
"Help me connect with that piece that's in there,
and make that thing come alive without excuse."
"Because although they knew God,
they didn't glorify him as God,
nor were they thankful." [ Romans 1:20]
That's a good verse on Thanksgiving weekend, isn't it?
We all know how powerful it is to show gratitude,
and never forget what you came from,
and not to get up on our high horse
because now that we've been saved for a while,
we stopped drinking, stopped doing drugs,
have some money in the bank.
I think I'll just watch from home this week.
I don't need to go to church. I'll just watch from home.
Well, I mean, if you're here today, isn't
there a difference between being here
and watching online?
So again, you would think the pastor's going to say that.
Right, but no.
It's for your good. It's a principle.
One puts a thousand to flight.
Two put 10,000 to flight, right?
So, we need each other.
"Come magnify the Lord with me.
Let us exalt His name together." [Psalm 34:3]
There are times that you come because you need prayer,
but there's times that you come,
that you're going to be praying for somebody else.
Can't do that from home.
So, here's the message
folks at home start creating new habits.
You got in the habit of being home
because you had to be with COVID.
Well, here's the headline.
That's over. You can come out now.
Come on out.
We want you here.
You all love me so much. Thank you.
"Although they knew God, they didn't glorify Him as God,
nor were they thankful, but became futile in their thoughts,
and their foolish hearts were darkened."
And that goes into a whole long list
of things that they did wrong.
"Professing to be wise, they became fools
and changed the glory"
Remember we talked about that in John 1.
"The Word became flesh, and we beheld His Glory."
He tabernacled among us, and we beheld His Glory.
And if you want to lose the Glory - sin.
That's the fastest way for Glory to leave.
Because the Holy God lives inside of us.
And take care of your temple,
That's what Paul said. [1 Corinthians 6:19]
Your body's now the temple.
Don't defile the temple and sin defiles.
Now, they had different rules in the Old Testament.
If it was an intentional sin, there was one penalty.
But if it was a mistake that you made,
if it was an innocent mistake,
it wasn't the same severity.
So, let's just be careful that we're not too hard on each other.
If there is a sin,
let's just cut each other some slack and recognize it's difficult.
Because we're always saying on the pastoral care team,
if the person doesn't get to the root of the problem,
they're going to keep repeating the destructive behavior.
So that's one of the greatest ways we can help you
is help you see what the root is.
Trisha and I will be watching a movie, like we were last night.
We were like, "Well, this came because of the trauma."
We were just saying it last night.
because that's true.
There's these entry points of trauma in people's lives
that allow the enemy to have a foothold.
"Exchanged, the truth of God for the lie
and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator."
That's idolatry.
Your are worshiping and serve the creature
rather than the Creator who's blessed forever.
So that's one way you, if you want to do
an audit during the course of the week
or since we're going to start this on Wednesday nights now,
and you're going to be journaling.
Maybe in the morning prayer time
and your devotional time,
That is when you ask the Lord Psalm 1:39
Am I getting that right?
Psalm 1:39, right? "Search my heart Oh God
Reveal if there be any wicked way in me."
What's wrong with that prayer?
"Well, you know, we can't ever be like Jesus."
But we're going to die trying.
Because that's how you get more like
