Peter Roselle: Steeped in Conviction (Hebrews

Peter Roselle: Steeped in Conviction (Hebrews 10:35)
Peter speaks at King of Kings Worship Center on 11/21/2021
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There's no decaf version of Christianity, right?
Well, it tastes like coffee - Sorry.
You're either all in for this or don't bother,
because that's the lukewarm piece, right?
We know, we're all in.
"Well, you might lose your tax-exempt status."
Like think about Paul being right here right now.
And I say, "Paul, we were a little worried
we might lose our tax-exempt status."
He would be like, "Do you have a barf bag nearby?
Like, please, what are you talking about?
What's the tax-exempt status?
This is nothing to do with anything.
And we're worried about our job, and
we're worried about losing tithers
and "please," that's what he would say.
"Please, you're missing the message.
It's way bigger than a tax-exempt status."
No, okay I could say that.
My job in my house is not on the line,
but that's intentional.
You know, Paul had a job too, he knew how to make tents.
You're not going to starve, if you're not a pastor, you'll find it.
You're not going to lose your church,
because they're not going to take your tax-exempt status,
because this constitution guarantees us
the right to religious freedom, all right.
They're just making a threat, it's one more threat.
Stop, no speak the truth, do it in love.
"Three times I was battered with rods,
once I was almost stoned to death..." [2 Corinthians 11:25]
and he doesn't say, and then I got up and
went back and finished the message
because they didn't kill me, right? "Three times I was shipwrecked,
I spent one day a night at drift on the sea.
I've been on many journeys facing extreme circumstances,
perilous rivers, violent thieves,
threats by my own people and threats by my not own people.
The Jews and the Gentiles.
I get threatened by everybody.
I have faced dangers in the city,
in the wilderness, at sea,
danger from spies among our own brothers.
I've survived toil and hardship, sleepless nights,
hunger and thirst without a crumb in sight.
Bare to the cold."
Maybe think of that movie "Revenant,"
I've never been colder watching a movie than watching that movie.
And then I'll finish, there's two more
many different parts of scripture.
He says in the book of 1st Corinthians,
"I'll stay in emphasis until Pentecost
because a wide door for effective service
has opened to me in Ephesus.
a very promising opportunity."
You know, we've talked about how God
opens up these sliding doors for us,
but they don't stay open forever.
We have to step through it while it's open,
because it will close.
And then we would hear that verse that says,
"Don't miss your day of visitation." [Luke 19:44]
This is an opportunity, the Lord's given us,
which I believe that's the season we're in right now.
That's the Mario Murillo idea.
This is the time that the church will shine
through persecution because we have the truth
and the world has never been more confused.
If they can confuse you about whether
you're a boy or a girl or not, that's a big problem.
And there are many adversaries, though you love it.
So, Paul is like, "Oh man, I'm going to stay a little longer,
because I got this great opportunity, and by the way,
there's also many adversaries."
No, I'm not too happy about that part.
But look, if you want something to get stronger,
it has to be stressed.
They tried growing trees in those biospheres
and the tree would get to a certain
height and then would fall down. Why?
There's no wind in a biosphere.
The reason the tree could stand
is because it's constantly getting pushed by the wind.
And then you don't get any fruit
if the tree is not still standing - get it?
Wow, there's so many ways you could compare it.
So, then he says with great endurance, "What do we do?
We persevere, with great endurance we persevere,
even in anguish and hardship,
when we've been cornered by the enemy,
suffering beatings, and imprisonments and uproars and toil,
sleeplessness and starvation."
Aren't you glad he's on our side?
This is the courageous man right here.
Nothing was going to stop him from fulfilling the calling.
And you can understand why Ananias was told by God,
"You're going to have to go and show him [Acts 9:15]
all the things he's going to have to suffer for My name."
And look, I'm not into suffering, believe me,
but I am also willing to push back
on things that I believe are true.
And there's a whole bunch of pushing going on right now.
Trying to tell us what box we have to fit in
and not going down without fight.
Sorry, got the wrong guy.
My inner middle linebacker is coming back out.
It's kind of a problem, when you
like being a middle linebacker but,

