Permaculture in Bali, Indonesia with I Made Chakra

I Made Chakra was born in 1973 to a rice farming family near Ubud, Bali. Coincidentally, this was the same year the so-called “Green Revolution” introduced chemical farming to Bali. Fortunately the Balinese love of nature and trust of their traditions slowed down the inroads of this new, less sustainable agriculture. Chakra was able to grow up in a time where the people didn’t need money for food; edible vegetation, fish, eels, and birds all thrived together in the rice fields.
Now that chemical farming has destroyed so much of this sustainable eco-system, Chakra’s wish is that his own children will be able to experience what he knew in his childhood; with the land restored to its abundant heritage. He knows he can’t do this alone, so he works to build connections with others on the same path, working for a healthy environment, healthy people and a healthy future.
After completing his studies on sustainable development, 4 years pioneering green tourism in UK and gaining commercial experience in his hometown, Chakra has devoted himself to developing sustainable agriculture and technology across Indonesia; from tsunami-ravaged Aceh, to the rice fields of Bali, where he has pioneered an effective organic Intensification System for nutritious, heritage red rice. Chakra’s knowledge and practical skills range from appropriate technology and permaculture design, training and project management, to consultancy for international NGOs.
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