
A student's knowledge can be tested in a variety of ways. Multiple choice exams and short response questions work well for some people. These methods, however, may cause test anxiety and fail to demonstrate how a student solves a problem. As a result, performance-based assessments may be able to provide more insight into how much a student understands.
A. What Is Performance-Based Assessment?
The definition of performance-based assessments varies greatly depending on author, disciple, publication, and intended audience (Palm, 2008).
In general, a performance-based assessment measures students' ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study. Typically, the task challenges students to use their higher-order thinking skills to create a product or complete a process (Chun, 2010).
Serving as an alternative to traditional testing methods, we could infer that performance-based assessment includes the problem-solving process. These assessments require a student to create a product or answer a question that will activate the students HOTS or higher order thing skills. And it demonstrates or showcase the student’s skills and understanding.
Performance-Based Assessments require students to actively participate in a task to assess their process. The questions or tasks are designed to be practical and interdisciplinary. As opposed to more traditional test formats his approach allows children to demonstrate their knowledge and how they would apply it to real-world scenarios.
B. What are the essential features / components of performance-based assessments?
Although performance-based assessments vary, the majority of them share key characteristics. First and foremost, the assessment accurately measures one or more specific course standards. Complex Depending on subject matter and goals, there are different ways to facilitate performance-based assessments. Yet, there are certain elements that make performance-based assessments is.
Performance-based assessments meet these criteria:
The key feature of a performance-based assessment is that it requires students to produce an end result - this could be a report, a performance or an experiment. This is then scored against a set of criteria.
So, the overall idea of performance-based learning is that it closely mirrors real-life scenarios and how a professional in that area would tackle the problem. This could mean encouraging children to design and carry out an experiment, or choreograph and perform a dance routine - just like a real scientist or dancer.
C. What are the advantages of performance-based assessment?
Performance-based assessment is advantageous for both teachers and students.
They're more engaging.
They encourage students to take ownership of their work.
It stops things from being just a memory test
It uses real-world examples
It develops problem-solving skills.
D. How would performance-based assessment be used in the lessons?
The most obvious examples of performance-based learning and assessment come in lessons that are naturally more practical in nature, and so require less traditional, theoretical assessment. These include physical education (PE), music and drama.
However, performance-based assessments can be applied to almost any lesson and any objective.
For example, students could be asked to design and carry out an experiment in science, write and perform a poem in English, or create a series of themed paintings in art.
In general, these assessments can take many forms. Here are some common examples of performance-based tests that you can use with your own students:
• Presentations;
• Group or solo projects;
• Portfolios;
• Debates;
• Performances;
• Exhibits or fairs.
Education and learning are as diverse as the student population. The best type of education is one that becomes applicable to real-world situations. Students may have standard tests, but they also get to apply their knowledge to solving complex problems.
In the setting of primary to secondary education, performance-based assessments can play this same crucial role. Instead of relying solely on tests that tend to be multiple choice and fail to show how a student arrives at their answer, Performance-based assessment offers deeper insight into their thinking process.
The best way to implement Performance-based assessment is to first have a general understanding of your student’s abilities and areas in which they need improvement. Then, you can creatively design a scenario that puts them to the test.
