[Peace Insight] Meeting the Hero Behind “The Mole: Undercover in North Korea” at the Special...


[Peace Insight] Meeting the Hero Behind “The Mole: Undercover in North Korea” at the Special Screening of North Korean Human Rights Films
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Last September, Special Screenings of North Korean Human Rights Films were held in 5 cities in Korea.
The real-life figure behind the film “The Mole: Undercover in North Korea,” which exposed the process of North Korea disregarding UN sanctions and attempting arms smuggling, was invited as a guest. We met him on our program. Please join us.
북한인권 증진을 위한 북한인권영화 특별상영회가 지난 9월 전국 5개 도시에서 개최됐습니다. 여기에는 북한이 유엔 제재를 무시하고 무기 밀매를 시도하는 과정을 폭로한 영화 '잠입'의 주인공이 게스트로 초청됐는데요, 통일로그인에서 직접 만났습니다. 함께 보시죠.
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