
An awesome one [creator] with every living soul in his hand
And he awakens and awakens everyone who sleeps
Give thanks to God for His mercy
And his wonders to the sons of man.
{On this day} Hallel praises are sung in completion by the holy people,
Kadesh [wine blessing] UrHatz [ritual hand washing] HaYadayyim,
in Nisan [hebrew month] is the beginning [Rosh] of all months [kol Hodesh...]
E-L---God brought us out of Egypt [Hai] alive as witnesses.
And he saved his people and set witnesses over them,
as he is a living and everlasting King.
And Pharaoh and his army and all his people drowned,
ohh they surely drowned - in the middle of the sea {"..YaahahahRoYara, B'Tokh HaYam."}
Raise your voice and tell your sons
On the day of your departure
And the "omer" will be counted
From the day after your Sabbath.
יָחִיד נוֹרָא נֶפֶשׁ כָּל חַי בְּיָדוֹ
וְהוּא מֵקִיץ וּמְעוֹרֵר לְכָל נִרְדָּם
יוֹדוּ לַייָ חַסְדּוֹ
וְנִפְלְאוֹתָיו לִבְנֵי אָדָם.
הַלֵּל גָּמוּר עַם הַקֹּדֶשׁ קַדֵּשׁ וּרְחַץ הַיָּדַיִם
בְּנִיסָן הוּא רֹאשׁ כָּל חֹדֶשׁ
אֵל הוֹצִיאָנוּ מִמִּצְרַיִם חַי בַּעֲדִי עֲדָיִים.
וַיּוֹשַׁע יְיָ עַמּוֹ וְשָׂם עֲלֵיהֶם עֶדְיָם
כִּי הוּא מֶלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּם
וּפַּרְעֹה וְחֵילוֹ וְכָל עַמּוֹ
יָרֹה יָרָה בְּתוֹךְ הַיָּם.
הָרֵם קוֹלְךָ וְסַפֵּר לְבִנְךָ
אֶת יוֹם צֵאתְךָ
וְהָעֹמֶר תְּהִי סוֹפֵר
מִמָּחֳרָת שַׁבַּתְּךָ.
שיבת ציון עמוד סז... מעשה ברבנו קולנימוס הזקן שכתב שם ונתן בפיו של נער נוצרי והחייהו, ברחוב היהודים בירושלים, בעיר העתיקה
Blood Libel miracle 750 years ago in the old city of Jerusalem **** It is written in the book of Rav Avraham Galanti: in the times when the Jews were Libeled to celebrate Passover with the blood of Christians. And they slaughtered a teenager and tossed his body on Rehov HaYehudim in the old city, Jerusalem. And it was in the morning on Shabbat when they were about to be executed... And Along came Rav Kolnimus the elder, also called the Baal HaShem - Master of the ineffable name of the Creator... He then wrote down the name on a parchment and inserted it into the deceased boy's mouth and he came back to life!!! And he told over the truth about his murderers, pointing to a priest and his helper - and the community was then saved by the name of Emet = Truth. When Rav Kolnimus Baal HaShem was buried, he requested he have no Headstone on his Tomb, since he desecrated the Shabbat publicly, and so it was such... And as a tribute, a special prayer was inserted into the Siddur, {Shabbat morning prayers}: V’Adonai lo yanum v’lo yiyshan - ham’orer y’shenim v’hameikitz nirdamim, v’hameisi’ah il'mim ["..he gives speech to the dumb and reveals what is hidden.."] v’hamatir asurim v’hasomekh noflim v’hazokef k’fufim. L’kha l’vadkha anahnu modim. Translation: The breath of all that lives shall bless your name, Lord our God, and the spirit of all living creatures shall continuously glorify and acclaim our awareness of you, our King. You are God from everlasting to everlasting and we have no King but you-No redeemer or Savior, no one to rescue us, save us, respond to us or have mercy on us in times of trouble and sorrow. We have no King but You to aid and support us, God of past and present times, God of all creation, Master of all generations-who is praised with all manner of praise, who guides His world with tenderness and His creatures with mercy. The Lord God neither slumbers nor sleeps. He rouses those who sleep and wakes those who slumber. He resurrects the dead, heals the sick, gives sight to the blind, and raises those who are bowed down. He gives "speech to the dumb" and reveals what is hidden. To You alone (Lord) we give thanks.

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    יברך אתכם ה' ..וכל עם ישראל ..אמן.
