PASSOVER and the RESURRECTION - Isaiah's New Exodus

As we celebrate the Passover and God's story of redemption, we uncover the promise of resurrection life found in the book of Exodus and Isaiah and how it relates to the resurrection of our Messiah! Share this powerful Gospel film with your friends and family so they can hear the story of salvation and find the hope we have in Yeshua!
If you were blessed by this message, help us reach Israel and the nations with this testimony of our Messiah's resurrection life! We've produced the same film in Hebrew, please pray with us for Israel's salvation and partner today to help this message spread in Israel and around the world!
/ mordechai.vaknin.39
Musicbed SyncID: MB019XYIWDRVP2U

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    @ONEFORISRAEL Жыл бұрын

    If you were blessed by this message, help us reach Israel and the nations with this testimony of our Messiah's resurrection life! We've produced the same film in Hebrew, please pray with us for Israel's salvation and partner today to help this message spread in Israel and around the world!

  • @elijahnatureboy


    Жыл бұрын

    The Rod (Jesus) and Branch Christ, @One For Israel, both dies per Rev 5:5-12. The Branch dies first out of the world Jesus called Born Again, verse 6, before verse 12s physical death. Then he Gathers the Virgins (both Jews and Gentiles) in Armageddon as Mat 20:1-16s Harvester before the USA is destroyed by fire (Dan 3 & Rev 18). Only the Foolish Virgins are to die to replace Rev 6:9-12s Souls that the Branch and Virgins give Birth to (Rev 20:4) after all of the world are "the rest of the dead of Rev 20:5. That takes the Virgins to Spiritual Jordon without The Branch where they folows Jesus' footsteps into Spiritual Cannon. The Branch is Deut. 18:15 & 18s Prophet Like Moses and the second Messiah whose yet to be revealed to the world by fulfilling Daniel 2:45, ch. 3, 4:23 and Rev 18 here in America. But Ultimately NO ONE misses the mark, all souls pass though ten cycle through this a Revelation 21s sunless world before their ascension back to YHVH.

  • @youhannabarrechit5649


    Жыл бұрын

    RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST ON ASCENSION THURSDAY MAY 18, 2023 IN THE EVENING ‌Based on the countdown and knowing that God is a perfect watchmaker, very precise, since GOD made a covenant with Abraham when he was 75 years old, Abraham was born 1948 years after the exclusion (16 Nisan -3971 BC) of Adam from the Garden of Eden, exactly when Adam had 33.5 years of existence, (because created in - 4005 at Rosh HaShanah), corresponding to the future Passover of Our Lord Jesus Christ, it is why He is called the second Adam. So Abraham was born in 2023 BC or 1948 years after Adam's exclusion from the Garden of Eden in -3971. Also the year -2023+75 (covenant with Abraham) makes -1948 BC or -3971+1948+75..., 1948 is symbolically very strong for Israel because it is also its second birth, in 1948 after Jesus -Christ, in one day. 1948 comes back every time ! The mirror of events is perfect. By reading the prophecy of Psalm 90 the countdown is specified..... at rebirth of Israël +80 years max. i.e. 1948 + 80 maximum.... So considering the Creation at Rosh HaShanah in - 4005, everything is perfect, the mirror is perfect. Rosh HaShanah - 4005 is a Sunday evening September 10 and it is very understanding then to think that the prince of this world is wanted on September 11, 1990 and then another September 11 in 2001 to reach 33,5 years during his pitiful little reign of the 7 years during the tribulation (prophesied in Daniel) beginning on Sunday November 12, 2023 so that at Passover 2027 he would be mortally wounded and could return as a little hero openly proclaiming himself god on earth in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple. His reign will end at the Return of Christ on the Mount of Olives on Yom Kippur on Sunday October 6, 2030 when the antichrist or the beast is 40 years and 25 days old. We must watch and pray until the soon Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ. If it can help some to quickly examine themselves so as not to be found naked and poor before the Lord, Our God. When the Rapture of the Church takes place very soon, at the Ascension on May 18, 2023, the Church called the Bride will no longer be present on earth, so there will no longer be a True Church of God in this fallen world. Thus the devil will be unleashed and will have received in some way the authority to do it because God will allow him, from the Rapture of the Church, to purify the dross, to purify the gold of its impurities. Once the Church is gone, God will allow according to His promise to Abraham, in some way also a return (parasha Achare-Mot) to the ceremonial in the Temple on Yom Kippur for the forgiveness of his sins for the year. God will allow it in particular to save a maximum of members of the false church as well as the Jews calling themselves Jews but denying Jesus Christ. Thus, a drawing of lots will be practiced to designate two goats as at the time of the Temple ceremonial, 2000 years ago, one will be offered in the Temple, (here of course the false church left on earth, will then have to pay its blood and die decapitated as in the ritual of the Old Covenant). Each person who does not deny his Faith in Christ and dying for Our Lord Jesus Christ, will have at his death eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be called the Saints of the great tribulation dying for Christ. The other will be sent to the desert from April 25, 2027 so here the Jews to expiate the faults of Israel, says the scapegoat and it is simply the 144,000 Jews of Israel sealed from Revelation 7.1- 8 and preserved by Christ from the great tribulation, the woman in the wilderness is Israel, and therefore this remnant, the 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes of Israel will be saved. The Rapture of the Church is just the icing on the cake, which is offered to the True Church to avoid the tribulations that are coming in its end times. The Bride always leaves before for the wedding feast of the Lamb because she has prepared herself. But the false church will still be invited to the wedding with the rest of Israel, the 144,000 if they are found holy and not denying Christ in their death, refusing the mark of the beast and agreeing to shed his blood for Jesus Christ , will be saved, despite their refusal to trust in the shed Blood of Christ at The Cross. The possible dates for the Rapture of the Church are shrinking, as the wheat crop (which is the Church of God raptured at Pentecost) will be harvested for May 2023. The Rapture for Ascension Thursday May, 18th 2023 to be with Our Lord on the clouds, Sunday and to be presented to God the Father, Monday evening. PS: Thursday symbolizes Sukkot...Sunday symbolizes Passover....Tuesday symbolizes Pentecost....the days are very important, and you have to count 10 of them, because 5 for the sending of the Holy Convocation (here May 14) and 5 days for the arrival at destination (there May 23, 2023), with a stop on the clouds on May 21 for the Meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ, halfway before He presents the Bride to the Father, the night of May 22/23. Genesis 24.1-22.. Abraham is a type of God The Father, Isaac is a type of God The Son and Eliezer, the faithful servant, the steward over his possessions is a type of God The Holy Spirit. I'm going to be a little direct, so as not to be too long.... Abraham prohibits Eliezer from leaving with Isaac, he must take the wife to Abraham's distant country in Mesopotamia. Eliezer just has to bring that bride back to Abraham. But Isaac sees his future wife with Eliezer in the distance, approaching, he welcomes his bride halfway, and then together go to Abraham in his tent for the wedding. This parable is clear and obvious in meaning to those who can understand it. MARANATHA

  • @blindvision4703


    Жыл бұрын

    Great message! I shared it with two Jewish people I know, and put it on my Twitter page. One thing I would ask of you, though: if you could, please find someone other than Bethel, Hillsong, elevation, or Maverick city to use as your background music. I don’t know how royalty payments work when you’re just using the instrumental, but I’ve heard that when churches play a song from one of those big media companies, they have to pay royalties. And Bethel, Hillsong, and elevation of all preached doctrines that are either extra biblical or out right on biblical, and I wouldn’t want your money to go to those organizations. As for Maverick city, I’ve heard from some reformed teachers that their theology of worship is slightly off, putting more emphasis on being loud and dramatic, then on the truth of the context of their songs. But God bless you. I would just say that if you’re paying money to play music from a particular group, be like the Bereans in Acts 17: 10-11, and see if the organization to whom you are paying royalties preaches the word accurately.

  • @youhannabarrechit5649


    Жыл бұрын

    November 12, 2023 will be the first day of the tribulation, (new moon) and the start of the evangelization of the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem who are the prophet Moses and Elijah, they will begin their 42-month ministry, April 25, 2027 will be the 1260th day of the tribulation, (1st Sunday after Passover, the antichrist will reveal himself in Jerusalem in the 3rd temple) October 6, 2030 will be the last day of the 2520 day tribulation, (Yom Kippur, the Lord sets his feet on the Mount of Olives) On November 5, 2030, 30 more days after the tribulation, i.e. the 2550th day, On December 20, 2030, 45 days more after the previous 30, that is to say the 2595th day, it is Chanukah the Dedication of the Temple, it is our body. After these days, the 1000 years of peace, the millennium will begin, to end at the end of the year 3030 in Hanukkah. All of these dates are major holidays in God's calendar, and December 20, 2030 (Hanukkah starting on a Friday, a Sabbath for 1000 years of peace, 1 day = 1000 years for God and 1000 years is 1 day for God, and that will happen because we will be with God). The ultimatum is moving very quickly and so we can be comforted by our Glorification by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God soon. Prophet Noah had 7 days from Heshvan 10 to board the ark before the Heshvan 17 flood, hence May 14 to May 21, 2023. The antichrist will be mortally wounded and then healed for Passover 2027 on April 25 and there he will proclaim himself god. It is the abomination of desolation. This is just to copy our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, April 17th, 27, Passover. It's copy-paste. (Resurrection of the LORD 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 --> 2000 years of separation from God or more exactly 40 jubilees like the 40 years of wandering of the Jewish people in the Arabian desert following his exodus from Egypt). P.S.: the date of his Glorious and Victorious Crucifixion is not the year 33 but the year 27, and Our Lord dies at the age of 33 years 6 months, and 20 days, he is born on September 26th, -7 (Gregorian calendar) or 15 Tishri -7 he is circumcised on October 3rd, -7 in the evening, 22 Tishri -7 in the evening but before sunset in Shemini Atzeret to celebrate this baptism of circumcision on the 8th day, what could be better than the exact Feast of the following day, the 9th day being a Shabbat of the Feast of Simcha't Torah which means Joy because The Torah was given to us and indeed this 23 Tishri - 7 BC the Jewish people celebrated Simha't Torah really with The Word became flesh on earth without knowing it except for the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anne, who understood it. By extension, the Holy Spirit landed on the Virgin Mary at Tu Bichevat of the year -7 BC on February 2nd, that is to say 236 days in the womb of the Virgin Mary. (or 37 days missing, which will be added after His Resurrection, 37+3 (days at the Tomb) to make 40 days ----> Ascension). Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us back these days of absence in the world because "premature" not really and the 3 days at the Tomb during the 40 days of the count between His Resurrection and His Ascension. The antichrist is a BAD COPYER, and therefore he will have to heal from certain death for a true or false resurrection to call himself god... he will do so at Passover 2027, April 25th. Everything coincides, the holidays, the return of Our Lord on Yom Kippur, October 6th, 2030 etc... I am sure of it, in particular because of the holidays validated one after the other, and the 40 jubilees of separation of the Jewish people with GOD, corresponding to the 40 years of wandering in the desert for their lack of Faith. That's why it's God's Calendar. The antichrist wants to copy our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected on April 17th, 27, the day after Passover, on a Sunday, the next day, exactly for the Feast of Firstfruits. Everything coincides, 2000 years and 8 days (40 jubilees) jusyou after His Resurrection. 04/17/27 ---> 04/25/2027 Jesus Christ will return on October 6th, 2030 on Yom Kippur for the Jewish people who remained on earth during these tribulations, He will set His feet on the Mount of Olives, and the whole world will see Him. As for the Church of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST it will be removed from this fallen world 180 days before the beginning of the tribulations, Sunday May 14, 2023 with the Sending of the Holy Convocations, then May 16 Jesus Christ will remain on the clouds from heaven until our next Rapture, May 18 the Ascension, the dead and the living in Christ will fly away to meet Christ face to face on Sunday May 21, on the clouds, finally on the evening of Monday May 22/23 2023 the Bride will be presented to Our Father for the Marriage of the Lamb which will begin and end 7 days later, on May 28 (Pentecost) with the exit of the Bride and her presentation without veil to the whole guests ........ symbolizing the end of the Wedding but especially the end of the 7 years of tribulations. MARANATHA LORD YESHUA GOD BLESS US

  • @simcha888


    Жыл бұрын

    Shalom u brachot lachem 💞....... May Yeshua richly Bless your ministry 🙏

  • @liiporta7964
    @liiporta7964 Жыл бұрын

    By the mercy and love of God🙏 i have put my faith in His Son, my Savior, my Lord and my King. May our God continue to bless you all my brothers and sisters in Christ🤗

  • @blindvision4703


    Жыл бұрын

    Welcome to the family of God, brother/sister. God bless you!

  • @kymdickman8910


    Жыл бұрын

    Amen! God has gi😮us the right to become His children! What a wonder that He can! Only through His Son 👏🏽😍❤️

  • @yafois988


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes good here, now participate in Obeying him is what makes us his ppl. Faith without works is dead. Revelation 19:7-8 shows we follow and are a ppl that prepare for him as a Bride. James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. / I would HOPE you do Not listen to the SUNday church christians sects, the are rebellious to the scriptures and follow the page catholic brand names sects, baptists, CalvinIsts, lutheranists, SDA, methodists, etc. The Youtbe is laden with many false prophets and their false gospel. Also I warn you to not listen to the ex-new agers , none of them, They Allas as I described in their own false gospel ways too. I was deceived by all those brands names churches for 34 years in confounded confusion in general, The path truly IS "Narrow". Shalom

  • @blindvision4703


    Жыл бұрын

    @@yafois988 Works don't MAKE you a Christian. They're the sign that you ARE one. Also: Cklossians 2:14: Let no one judge you concerning a festival or a full moon or a SABBATH. Of course Friday evening to Saturday evening is the Jewish shabbat, but Christians have gathered to worship on Sunday since the Acts of the Apostles, the EARLIEST church. And those ex new-agers like Melissa Dougherty and Doreen Vurture have some great and valuable things to say.

  • @blindvision4703


    Жыл бұрын

    Yafo, IS, seems to be trying to hold you hostage to works by twisting Scripture. I would mark and avoid him if I were you. Yes, Christians WILL keep Messiah's commandments, but "by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST" (Ephesians 2:8-9). Good works are the FRUIT of genuine salvation, not the cause or sustainer of it. Both those attributes belong in some form or fashion to God, not to our works.

  • @purplecreamband
    @purplecreamband Жыл бұрын

    As Daniel said he saw one like the son of man ascending to Heaven and came before the Ancient of Days and was given an Never Ending Kingdom, who else has ever done this but Holy Yeshua Messiah Jesus Christ the Right Arm of Holy and Almighty YHWH Amen

  • @TheHolyAvatior
    @TheHolyAvatior Жыл бұрын

    Praise the Lord! I am so happy to see our Jewish brothers coming to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as well. God bless and spread the message to the community.

  • @newasul
    @newasul Жыл бұрын

    I Love You, Lord And I lift my voice To worship You All my soul, rejoice Take joy my King In what You hear May it be a sweet, sweet sound In Your ear.

  • @wassup934


    Жыл бұрын

    One of my favorites 🎶

  • @smoothsailingmp
    @smoothsailingmp Жыл бұрын

    These messages are so good. We have been Christians in our family for many , many years......and are so happy so many Jewish people are now back in their homeland and are coming to know Jesus as their True Messiah. Our hearts ache here in California for all that is happening in Israel....and know this is prophecy being fulfilled...we pray for the peace of Jerusalem and forthe Israeli people to know their Messiah We listen to Amir and know the terrible things happening.....we pray

  • @rebeccagnana403
    @rebeccagnana403 Жыл бұрын

    He lives, Hallelujah, my Saviour lives. Amen

  • @deliasaquin6051


    Жыл бұрын

    Amen! By His stripes,we are healed. Praise be the name of Jesus.

  • @jgonzalez101


    Жыл бұрын


  • @lindavid794


    Жыл бұрын


  • @xuantiemnguyen2747
    @xuantiemnguyen2747 Жыл бұрын

    God is amazing... even when we're far from Him, He's so close just waiting for us to take the first step back to Him.

  • @Artgardener
    @Artgardener Жыл бұрын

    Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Alleluia!

  • @deniseroe5891
    @deniseroe5891 Жыл бұрын

    Beautiful message, praise be to our Lord God for sending his precious Yeshua. I have been a Christian since seven years of age, now at 62 it is more special and more powerful to me. I give Him all my problems, He is bigger than anything the world can throw at me. I love Israel and her people, my dream is to go there. My husband says we will wee the New Jerusalem. Can’t wait, even so Lord Jesus come. ❤️

  • @btbb3726
    @btbb3726 Жыл бұрын

    “… and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2 NASB95

  • @indigatorveritatis219
    @indigatorveritatis219 Жыл бұрын

    Love these people and this ministry. May God grant them protection and continued fervor.

  • @helveticalouie
    @helveticalouie Жыл бұрын

    Happy passover! To all my Blood covered saints in Christ! ❤🎉

  • @msella1050
    @msella1050 Жыл бұрын

    All Israel shall be saved (Romans 11;26-27).❤The God of Israel loves you so much I pray he will open your eyes and heart, you will cry rivers then even non of your tears will get lost and I will be a witness of the many who will come to faith by the ONE who did this for you so that you can have everlasting life.The Lord will stand on his promises….. All Israel will be saved! Hallelujah and thank you God Almighty thank you wonderful Yeshua ❤

  • @tonybowen7389
    @tonybowen7389 Жыл бұрын

    I'm 100% for Jesus Christ

  • @By.His.Spirit.
    @By.His.Spirit. Жыл бұрын

    Amen ❤ hallelujah 🙌 praise Yeshua our King and our Redeemer

  • @falsemessiah751
    @falsemessiah751 Жыл бұрын

    3:30 "In 1 Corinthians, Paul boldly declares that if the Messiah has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain. Your faith also is in vain. If the Messiah has not been raised, in other words, since the beginning of the faith in yeshua, the messiah, his resurrection stood as the corner stone, the very foundation upon which the truth of yeshua stands or falls" In that case, the cornerstone of faith in jesus is a very weak one as the disciples themselves weren't certain whether jesus rose from the dead in the gospel of matthew: When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted (matthew 28:17) And in mark's gospel, they weren't even told that he rose from the grave: Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid (mark 16:8) The last 8 verses were added later to the text but aren't part of the original manuscripts.

  • @sunsetfree5358
    @sunsetfree5358 Жыл бұрын

    Now THAT’s how you do a genuine “sinner’s prayer”, that isn’t a “repeat after me” blah-blah, which results in no change at all. 8:26-8:39 “If you want to receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and a living relationship with your loving Creator, simply talk to your Heavenly Father in your own words. He Listens!”

  • @melmil9836


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for this message.❤

  • @christophertorres79
    @christophertorres79 Жыл бұрын

    My heart has never been filled with more joy than to know that our Lord is the author of Salvation. I cannot wait to worship with you all in the Kingdom one day!!

  • @s.s.9149
    @s.s.9149 Жыл бұрын

    WOW!! I made it to just over a minute in before tearing up. I was just read Exodus about an hour ago, including chapter 14, and started weeping at both of the mentioned passages. Hallelujah, God is good, and HE will reign forever, and ever.

  • @tim3isshort935
    @tim3isshort935 Жыл бұрын

    Jesus died for all,not just for Israel Amen ❤️

  • @adonyisrael1724


    Жыл бұрын

    Messiah died on His cross for “His People” ISRAEL but Israel stood for “the World”, that Nation represents ALL HUMANITY, that is Almighty God’s WAY, purpose to “save the world”. Shalom! 😇

  • @Baseballisbest67


    Жыл бұрын

    @@adonyisrael1724 what you said is known as a SPIN. 1st 10 of the tribes where not even there when Christ came. The messiah suffered and died for ALL mankind. Rejected by the Jews as a whole. Still his people but mantle passes to the gentiles church age is now but coming to an end.

  • @returntoyehovahthelord6185


    Жыл бұрын

    What Isaiah says: Isaiah 49:5 “And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength. 6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.” He came for Judah, Israel and the Gentiles. These verses are so beautiful. It is clear that the ten tribes who were exiled are not forgotten.

  • @Shofargirl1


    Жыл бұрын

    No one said HE died just for Israel....but remember LORD YESHUA came for the Jews first....❤

  • @Shofargirl1


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@Baseballisbest67 The Jew first! Always...We must not argue ....just be happy that we are all saved....PRAY FOR ISRAEL .❤❤❤

  • @fernadf
    @fernadf Жыл бұрын

    Shalom from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ! 🇧🇷💚💛💙🇮🇱 I love the work you guys do bringing the teachings of the Tanakh and B'rit Hadashah straight from Jews to Israel I am a descendant of Brazilian Jews (Zera Israel) and I follow the teachings of Rabbi Joseph Shulam (Netivyah Institute, Jerusalem, Israel) He, like you, has been a blessing to us Brazilians who are waking up to the true Jewish Jesus (Yeshua).

  • @ctmmeribe8855


    Жыл бұрын

    Amen God blessings happy Pesach Passover from an Israeli Jewish lady believing in Jesus Yeshua

  • @markkilgallon2691
    @markkilgallon2691 Жыл бұрын

    Praying for you all! My brother Adrian who was just younger than me passed away not long ago. He had a deep seeded faith in God thanks to Yeshua's shed blood on the cross and resurrection on the 3rd day. As Job 19V25 says...we will see each other again!!! 🤗

  • @shobhanapeters5721


    Жыл бұрын

    I am sorry for your loss, and thank God you will see him .🙇‍♀️ Within 3 years I lost three of my brothers, Maranatha

  • @markkilgallon2691


    Жыл бұрын

    @@shobhanapeters5721 "Thankyou" Shobhana! This is our faith, Hey. I am reminded constantly HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR US...Blessings in Christ, Mark. 🤗

  • @JenEeee.
    @JenEeee. Жыл бұрын

    He is risen indeed! "Speak to Him on your own words..." Amen! I can testify that is the truth! God is good! 🙌

  • @rapturebound197
    @rapturebound197 Жыл бұрын

    The sign of Jonah..the sign of resurrection! Hallelujah. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! Amen 🕎✝️

  • @mlamber7780


    Жыл бұрын

    Amen! ❤️

  • @sarahnunns8263
    @sarahnunns8263 Жыл бұрын

    Hallelujah! Forgiven of our sins and debts and raised to new life in Jesus! Hallelujah!

  • @ArianneHenson
    @ArianneHenson Жыл бұрын

    Hallelujah! Messiah is risen indeed!

  • @georgegaiennie3747
    @georgegaiennie3747 Жыл бұрын

    This is beautiful. God bless you for this ministry.

  • @righteousbranchofchrist955
    @righteousbranchofchrist955 Жыл бұрын

    Psalms 21:4-5 (KJV) He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever. His glory is great in thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him. Psalms 91:14-16 (KJV) Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

  • @jerrynkathy
    @jerrynkathy Жыл бұрын

    Hearing this message from the land versus hearing it from a pulpit gives it more meaning to me. Thanks for sharing. May all who watch/listen heed the Gospel of Yeshua.

  • @machitect
    @machitect Жыл бұрын

    My soul is bursting with joy. Come Lord Yahshua

  • @mariamcdaid2655
    @mariamcdaid2655 Жыл бұрын

    Amazing video thank you! Argument for the trinity- there must be more than one entity for God to be Love. As the bible says, God is Love. If I am alone who do I love? Therefore God exists as part of the trinity with love being exchanged between the three parts. As families we are one entity and separate. God is the same.

  • @mylifeforthelord5535


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes, a Communion is necessary for love.

  • @jimpsonuyaguari9665
    @jimpsonuyaguari9665 Жыл бұрын

    God Almighty bless you everyone in the name of the Lord Jesus Savior.

  • @ch.prabhupriya
    @ch.prabhupriya Жыл бұрын

    Hallelujah praise the lord Jesus Christ our yeshua messaiah redeemed us from the sins, and death hallelujah Amen The gospel of Jesus Christ goes back to Jerusalem hallelujah praise the king jesus chirst is coming very soon, he is coming to bring his children back to the eternal home father god yahowah we praise you thank you for your sacrifice for us thank you father for your love we praise you now and forever, yeshua messaiah god we praise you , we trust you , you died for us and risen from the death hallelujah thank you lord Jesus we praise you now and forever , holy spirit we praise you god thank you for helping us thankyou, please lead us in your holy way, and guide us with your will Amen thank you lord yeshua messaiah for salvation , Thank you for saving me I love you Jesus Christ my father with all my heart AMEN🙏🌈👑😊🥹🙌🙇🏻‍♀️🕊️💛❤️🤍✝️🛐

  • @arrobamouse
    @arrobamouse Жыл бұрын

    Glory to the unique God in Jesus Christ.

  • @rodicacalota9724
    @rodicacalota9724 Жыл бұрын

    Glory to Jesus!🕊✝️

  • @solideogloria5553
    @solideogloria5553 Жыл бұрын

    who can say no to a father so mercyful, a king so humble, a counsellor so wonderful!

  • @zirzow
    @zirzow Жыл бұрын

    Awesome! Praying for your ministry! Very clear and concise message about our Savior and Lord, Jesus!

  • @giorgismama8024
    @giorgismama8024 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing this message of the resurrection.

  • @kristalee7454
    @kristalee7454 Жыл бұрын

    Only Jesus saves❤

  • @anapaulaaffonsobrito8820
    @anapaulaaffonsobrito8820 Жыл бұрын

    Your ministry is a blessing for thousands. Thank you for answering your calling and for spreading the Gospel of Yeashua ❤

  • @maryab4634
    @maryab4634 Жыл бұрын

    God bless you, my brother in Jesus Christ.

  • @alexzandriaweston7869
    @alexzandriaweston7869 Жыл бұрын

    The truth shall set your free!

  • @frvillegas9312
    @frvillegas9312 Жыл бұрын

    Rejoice always! Pray w/o ceasing

  • @timeaaraouzou710
    @timeaaraouzou710 Жыл бұрын

    What a great blessing the Lord has extended to us through Yeshua, the Lamb of God. How good to see Moti again too. Be blessed, One for Israel, for your faithfulness.

  • @roxiepitt6001
    @roxiepitt6001 Жыл бұрын

    JESUS CHRIST is Raisen...He is Alive forever more.... The CROSS The RESURRECTION, The HOLY SPIRIT Amen. 👐

  • @Hope-kx9lz
    @Hope-kx9lz Жыл бұрын

    I love You Yeshua ♥🙏 Imagine sitting at the same grave where the LORD once laid and from which He rose three days and three nights later? I wish I lived in Israel or at least could visit and see all the historical sites. God bless the One For Israel Team. Your channel is amazing.

  • @AlexusBuckner-tk7mi


    Жыл бұрын

    Do Hebrew Messianics believe Jesus Christ died on the cross Judaism Hebrew Messianic and do you have to be Hebrew or a Jewish I believe Jesus died on the cross for me and I am black but I want to be a Hebrew Judaism messianic

  • @joshhooker7390
    @joshhooker7390 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you OneforIsrael for your wonderful work.

  • @pictureel5863
    @pictureel5863 Жыл бұрын

    You are doing wonderful work with this preaching. God bless you.

  • @BP-E
    @BP-E Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing this! He is risen and our faith is not in vain. Maranatha!

  • @BuckMckawtheotherone
    @BuckMckawtheotherone Жыл бұрын

    As a Gentile by birth, I was raised as a Roman Catholic and in that early life, I learned to hate Jews. I was told God had rejected Jews because of their sinful behaviour toward God, which was why the temple was destroyed in Jerusalem. I was content to call myself Christian, following religious rituals, and still behaving sinfully, drinking alcohol, cursing, chasing women, taking drugs. Then, one day, I found a discarded new testament on the ground, in a ditch by the road I walked. I cleaned off the mud and dust, and began to read it. After reading a few pages, I remembered the messages of Christian teachings, but, from the bible view. I looked up and asked God, 'Are YOU for real?' It was a year of struggles and disappointments later, that I found myself crying out to God, 'Save me! Please!' The God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Israel heard me. I felt a peace I never knew before. And with that peace, I found a love and compassion for Jews, which I had never had before. I can understand why any Jew would be jealous to have a non-Jew like me call their God his own, but it's true. he is a wonderful God to know. He is my God now. The God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, the I AM that Moses followed in the wilderness is my God too. Hallelujah! His name is Jesus Christ, Jeshua, the Messiah of Israel. He is alive. He wants you to live also.

  • @stevenhernandez8966
    @stevenhernandez8966 Жыл бұрын

    Chag Sameach! Blessed Pesach to us all!

  • @GraemetheGuiriLordHaHa
    @GraemetheGuiriLordHaHa2 ай бұрын

    He is risen! Salvation comes through the Jews. May God bless Israel and the world this mos Holy of days.

  • @j.t.patton7820
    @j.t.patton7820 Жыл бұрын

    You are "SAVED" the very moment that you BELIEVE who Jesus is, and what he accomplished on the Cross! Romans 10: 9 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

  • @angelous7774
    @angelous7774 Жыл бұрын

    I pray that many many people come to Jesus ❤

  • @mike4769
    @mike4769 Жыл бұрын

    I love my God. I love my Jewish brothers, and iam thankful for their obedience to God. I pray for Israel and the revelation that yeshua is the ONE.

  • @gracemorgan4274
    @gracemorgan4274 Жыл бұрын

    Magnificent! Majestic! In recognition of The one true King!

  • @theonecounttheonecount8477
    @theonecounttheonecount8477 Жыл бұрын

    What a pure joy it is to hear teaching without deception or error. Hallelujah!

  • @ChildofGod-pq2se
    @ChildofGod-pq2se Жыл бұрын

    My God in flesh defeated death and rose again on the third day. The devil was defeated on the cross and we are conquerors and victorious through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

  • @evelynross6144
    @evelynross6144 Жыл бұрын


  • @francisdaniel3588
    @francisdaniel3588 Жыл бұрын

    Jesus is my God and my Savior!

  • @luismejia5224
    @luismejia5224 Жыл бұрын

    When Jesus was born, his parents Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple in front of the presence of JEHOVAH The Father to fulfilled with the law. Luke 2:22 When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the LORD, 23 as it is written in the Law of the LORD, “Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to JEHOVAH”, Numbers 18:15 “Every firstborn of all living things, which they will present to JEHOVAH, whether man or animal, should become yours. However, you should without fail redeem the firstborn of mankind, and the firstborn of the unclean animals you should redeem.

  • @britanikothegreat8513


    Жыл бұрын

    John 8:44. Isaiah 14:12. Revelation 12:3. Isaiah 2:22.

  • @tongakhan230


    Жыл бұрын

    True! Jesus was the Firstborn of Mary. He was also the Firstborn of those created by Jehovah (Colossians 1:15).

  • @tongakhan230


    Жыл бұрын

    @@britanikothegreat8513 : Regarding Isaiah 14:12. Aside from its reference to the Supreme Sovereign, the term “heavens” can also refer to other ruling powers that are exalted or lifted up above their subject peoples. The very dynasty of Babylonian kings that Nebuchadnezzar represented is described at Isaiah 14:12 as being starlike, a “shining one, son of the dawn.” By the conquest of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., that Babylonian dynasty lifted its throne “above the stars of God,” these “stars” evidently referring to the Davidic line of Judean kings

  • @luismejia5224


    Жыл бұрын

    @@tongakhan230 firstborn son of all creation in heaven before everything else, because Jehová loved the world so much that sent his heavenly firstborn son Jesus to save us

  • @tongakhan230


    Жыл бұрын

    @@luismejia5224 : That is correct! Jesus in his angelic form was God's direct creation. Thereby making Jesus God's only-begotten son. Jesus calls himself this at John 3:16. It is this special Son who was close to God for a very long time before other sons and human creation happened, whom God SENT to redeem the human family from the disaster that occurred in the Garden of Eden (cf Genesis 3:15). (Matthew 3:17) Look! Also, a voice from the heavens said: “This is my Son, THE BELOVED, whom I HAVE APPROVED.” This was God identifying Jesus at Jesus' baptism and anointing as Messiah.

  • @shobhanapeters5721
    @shobhanapeters5721 Жыл бұрын

    After seeing the young people on the street of israel, I cried ,asking God to save them, and salvation of PM and IDF and ....wisdom🙇‍♀️ praying for Yerushalayim as commanded in Psalm 122:6

  • @jeansendouw
    @jeansendouw Жыл бұрын

    O My Lord,.. So Grateful to One For Israel Ministry,.. It's so deeply make my understanding filled. Praise The Lord.. I really wish I can contribute something to this ministry. May the Lord bless them and all of us.. Amen

  • @CubOfChrist
    @CubOfChrist Жыл бұрын

    Beautiful! God bless you all! Praise Jesus!

  • @BisthunderMonakanisa
    @BisthunderMonakanisa Жыл бұрын

    I thought Moti Vaknin was gone. I'm so happy that he's back! ❤ Godbless Israel. I've been watching this channel for a long time. This is my first comment, heh

  • @marvac-r7916
    @marvac-r7916 Жыл бұрын

    *TRUTH!* ❤‍🔥👏🏼 The power of Truth is real, and we are imbued with that power and REQUIRED to disperse and sow it everywhere and every day. And because Spiritual Truth can be so elusive, we sow by being salt and light, planting seeds of discipleship. Responding in kindness. Giving without being asked. Being the change God wants in the world. May we all be strong in Spirit and grow in the Word every day. 🥰🙌🏼

  • @billkutin8365
    @billkutin8365 Жыл бұрын

    🌟***Glory To OUR Lord Jesus Christ **Our SAVIOR the Only GATE To THE KINGDOM OF GOD ALMIGHTY 🙏🙏🙏

  • @ujona
    @ujona Жыл бұрын

    God bless you all of One For Israel! I use your videos to evangelize to my Jewish high school friends because my heart of Israel is big. May their eyes be opened and be saved.

  • @erint933
    @erint933 Жыл бұрын

    This is such a clear, well- presented understanding about Jesus resurrection and passover and how it ties with the Exodus!👍👍 Thank you so much!😊 I loved the part about how when the Israelites were going to cross the Red Sea that they had to do it by faith and there was nothing that they could do to save themselves & how amazing that it completely correlates with Jesus saving us is huge!😁👍❤✝️ Thank you for this presentation and I thank God for all of you at One For Israel!💜

  • @marthaarnold6763
    @marthaarnold6763 Жыл бұрын


  • @RocknRoRose
    @RocknRoRose Жыл бұрын

    Wow everyone is celebrating Passover for days right now. All the way til Resurrection or even Pentecost. Descent of the Holy Spirit. In 50 days. Love love love ❤️

  • @lillyanna8432
    @lillyanna8432 Жыл бұрын

    May the Gospel reach God's people around the world! He is risen indeed!

  • @suzieaguilar397


    Жыл бұрын

    You and I are God's people for almost two millennia in the Church of which Christ-Messiah is the head. 😊❤

  • @luisalvarez3900
    @luisalvarez3900 Жыл бұрын

    Love your Pod Casts!!!

  • @falsemessiah751
    @falsemessiah751 Жыл бұрын

    2:45 "After Isaiah describes the death of his servant he continues to prophesy that he would prolong his days. How can it be? The only way the servant of the L-RD can prolong his days after his death is through his resurrection" This is LITERALLY what the prophet Ezekiel says with regards to ISRAEL (the Servant of the L-RD): Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life (Ezekiel 37:4-5) Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel' (Ezekiel 37:11-12) Apparently, not everything is about jesus. But notice how Dr Soref skips out the part that the servant will also have offspring (something that jesus did not do).

  • @uayfb1


    Жыл бұрын

    The offspring could refer to those who have put their faith in Jesus. One time the Lord Jesus was told that His mother and brothers and sisters were awaiting outside where He was preaching. The Lord's answer was "Who are my brothers and sisters? Those who obey the will of God are My brothers and sisters." It is a realationship created by faith in Jesus.

  • @gladysbarreto1346
    @gladysbarreto1346 Жыл бұрын

    Of course I will pray for this ministry, God bless you all!

  • @lindahuffstutler3877
    @lindahuffstutler3877 Жыл бұрын

    Praise God, Jesus is alive! May many Israel’s have their hearts opened to receive the gospel. I am thankful and am praying for the ministry of One for Israel!

  • @akernelofwheat4016
    @akernelofwheat4016 Жыл бұрын

    Amen and amen.

    @JBENHIKES Жыл бұрын

    Amen !

  • @manolitoabellanosa7489
    @manolitoabellanosa7489 Жыл бұрын


  • @TrishaVil
    @TrishaVil Жыл бұрын

    Amen, Amen!! Thank you Jesus!🙏🏼💖🌹

  • @yehwjjdkeje
    @yehwjjdkeje Жыл бұрын

    YESHUA bless you

  • @charlesmisong6602
    @charlesmisong6602 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for the Jewish Messiah from the Island of Borneo. I pray more Jewish people open their hearts to accept their very own Messiah.

  • @JoaquimCarlosjoshua
    @JoaquimCarlosjoshua Жыл бұрын


  • @GeorgeCrabb
    @GeorgeCrabb Жыл бұрын

    Israel is on the cusp of a spiritual Great Awakening as seen in Ezekiel 36-37. One for Israel, So Be It and other platforms are proof.

  • @PeaceFan1
    @PeaceFan1 Жыл бұрын

    PRAISE JESUS for Your Ministry!!! May HE BLESS you RICHLY and Win SOULS for CHRIST!!!!! Hallelujah!!!

  • @benjantzen8910
    @benjantzen8910 Жыл бұрын

    God be with you all. Love you all. May God see our current state and help us turn from our sins and the evils we bring upon ourselves. Show others the WAY/TRUTH/LIFE.

  • @Iamthewarner557


    Жыл бұрын

    Allah our Lord says, *Surely this religion(Islam) of yours is ˹only˺ one, and I am your Lord(Allah), so fear Me ˹alone˺.* Qur'an (23:52)

  • @manusheunis6298
    @manusheunis6298 Жыл бұрын

    Beautiful message. Thank you.

  • @RR-gi9vo
    @RR-gi9vo Жыл бұрын

    God bless Israel. Father soften the hearts of our Jewish brothers and sisters to see their beloved Messiah in Christ Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach... ❤ 🙏

  • @patriciaaharkins9777
    @patriciaaharkins9777 Жыл бұрын

    He is risen indeed. Talk to him! He is listening. If this world is confusing, God says he is not the author of confusion. Christ came to be The Light in the darkness 💫 Seek him now, He will be found ❤😊

  • @falsemessiah751
    @falsemessiah751 Жыл бұрын

    3:08 "But the Hebrew Bible states clearly that the Messiah had to suffer and die to redeem his people" It actually doesn't. The word Messiah doesn't even show up in Isaiah 53 making it ambiguous as to who the servant is.

  • @yearoffavor
    @yearoffavor Жыл бұрын

    ABBA UP! Look up! He’s coming!!!

  • @juanalovesjesus5542
    @juanalovesjesus5542 Жыл бұрын


  • @jose5831P
    @jose5831P Жыл бұрын

    !Praise God 🎉❤!

  • @butterfly72949
    @butterfly72949 Жыл бұрын

    🙌🏽👑🦁👑✝️ Shalom I Ahavah my King YESHUA And ❤ my Country Israel 🇮🇱 . I’m livening In The usa But I’m Israel I want to back in the Kodosh Land Of my People . 🙌🏽 in English the HOLY LAND . Pray to ELOHIYM YAHUAH All the Time For Israel 🇮🇱 and my People 🙏🏽🙌🏽🕊💜🕎💜 Look Up our King Yeshua is Coming Soon .and I will get to be home then. I’m part of the One Hundred and Forty Four Thousand Of the scattered tribes of 🇮🇱 Israel. Shalom Mishpacha 🙌🏽🦁🕊✝️🇮🇱👑🕎🙏🏽

  • @terranceleblanc619
    @terranceleblanc619 Жыл бұрын

    Yes our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords and King of Kings forevermore Amen.❤❤❤😊

  • @Jennifer_Cruz
    @Jennifer_Cruz Жыл бұрын

    This was so beautifully done. ❤️✝️

  • @pegrasmusson4636
    @pegrasmusson4636 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you, OFI, for faithfully proclaiming the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua! Praying for you all. ✝️

  • @thetheoreticaltheologian2458
    @thetheoreticaltheologian2458 Жыл бұрын

    Simply the greatest message to us for salvation/redemption through The Christ on the cross “death/resurrection” who paid the debt of sin in full once and for all “for it is finished” perfect justice in that ALL sin is punished and paid in full and the greatest act of love for us by God! No greater love then this by the God who is Love “Trinity”! Glory to God Almighty!

  • @denisespencer8000
    @denisespencer8000 Жыл бұрын

    God bless the Israelights. Jesus Israeli coming. Halelujah. Praise his holy name.xxxxxxx