Passaggio? "Gola Aperta" | The Old School of Singing ® | Traditional Opera Techniques

Passaggio? "Gola Aperta"
Honoring Maestro Arturo Melocchi
In the tradition of Maestro Melocchi, "gola aperta" (open throat) is essential for mastering the passaggio and achieving a seamless, powerful voice. This post and video aim to clarify and honor this fundamental technique.
* The Concept of Gola Aperta
To bypass the passaggio, maintain an open throat and keep the larynx low. This allows the voice to resonate freely without interruption.
* The Pitfalls of a Closed Throat
When the throat is closed-when the "gola" is not "aperta"-the soft palate or pharyngeal cavity can drop, reducing space and darkening the sound. This might seem like a shortcut, but it's flawed. Instead, focus on lowering the larynx and opening the throat properly.
* Insights from Corelli
Franco Corelli emphasized space between the palate and tongue. The palate lifts while the tongue remains relaxed ("con la lingua dolce"). This, along with a low larynx, keeps the throat open.
* Practical Demonstration
In the video, I demonstrate this technique, showing how it eliminates strain and maintains consistency even on high notes like G. This method, recognized through our teachings, ensures strength across the range.
* Honoring Maestro Melocchi's Legacy
Taught by Maestro Melocchi and continued by students like Silvano Carroli and Mario Del Monaco, this tradition represents a powerful vocal training method. Understanding and applying these principles enhances vocal performance.
Keep practicing with dedication. Remember "gola aperta" and "con la lingua dolce". Avoid manipulating the soft palate or pharyngeal cavity other than keeping them high and open. Focus on lowering the larynx and opening the throat. These are pathways to mastering singing with power and grace.
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