Parsha Perspectives (Bamidbar, 5784) - Don't Erase Letters from the Torah


The Torah and its messages are timeless. Join me as we draw from the weekly Torah portion to extract lessons and inspiration for today from a wide and diverse range of sources and personalities.
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00:00 - Introduction
4:07 - Remembering Torah (R. Nachman)
7:40 - Each and Every Jew (R. Menachem Nendel of Vokra)
25:20 - We are Never Nullified (R. Shaul Alter)
35:36 - Faith in Hashem (Bas Ayin)
39:00 - Divine Providence (Ramban)
42:50 - Your Task in Life (R. Wolbe)
47:50 - Torah in the Middle (Chafetz Chaim)
50:40 - Moshe and the People (R. Soloveitchik)
57:00 - Learning to Share (R. Ovadia)

