Pariah Nexus - Misfire Deathmark Hunt | Warhammer+ TV (2023)

The Deathmark is on its way to hunt down Sa'Kan and the Sister of Battle!
Original video are Games Workshop Warhammer+ Pariah Nexus
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#warhammer #GamesWorkshop #WarhammerPlus #PariahNexus #deathkorpsofkrieg #sistersofbattle #necrons #spacemarines

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  • @dudley2far362

    I love the aggravation you can hear in the deathmarks voice as he says "This one is attempting to do so"

  • @noneofyourfckingbusiness8302

    Don't you just hate when you're trying to do your damn job and your boss is breathing down your neck and demanding updates???

  • @paytonkraft7564

    One soldier versus a horde of mindshackled zombies. Yeah, that's REAL fair, Szeras.

  • @tastygravy6880

    As soon as Illiminor thinks the Deathmark is toast, he dips, lol.

  • @queekheadtaker7327

    He trying to kill the zombies while also trying to not expose himself to bolter fire, while his boss is calling solely to whine at him. Its not him merely being slow

  • @darkknight8702

    Probably the first thing those mind shackled guardsmen actually WANTED to rip apart this time.

  • @mannofdober873

    I love the Deathmark's little panicked run as he tries to reach the portal.

  • @randomchineseguy

    The definition of a hostile work environment literally, figuratively, and metaphorically.

  • @Neil_Manta

    Imagine being in an active firefight but your boss is still breathing down your neck.

  • @fearthewolf1175

    Even as a bunch of brain washed zombies they still do the Emperors work. If they know what they are doing that is. I’m sure the Kriegers and Cadians can take a bit of happiness from this little encounter if they do

  • @chasemcnab7610

    In a galaxy filled with an entire race of nihilistic, murderous, (literal) edge-lords, we can all agree the worst among them is an overbearing shitty boss.

  • @zhengbq

    Let me get this straight: so this one lonely Deathmark is fighting one Firedrake elite Salamander, one slightly mental but still lethal Sister of Battle, one horde of zombies created by his boss, plus his boss constantly tries to Facetime him through his eyeball💀💀💀, asking him why the Salamander and the Sister aren't dead and telling you he doesn't care about the zombie problem. This Deathmark really can't catch a break.

  • @ChocolatePancakeMan

    And here we see the Deathmark's earlier criticism get proven right.

  • @techypriest7523

    Gotta love how the Salamander tries to snipe the hologram in the face

  • @SwordTune

    Sees zombies

  • @NovusDawn1

    Szeras is literally the WORST kind of overbearing micromanaging boss. He gets pissed that things take to long and best of al his fucking pet projects that he left half finished fuck up YOUR project and he is the one that acts inconvenienced.

  • @lostbutfreesoul

    Anyone else get the feeling that Szery wants the deathmark to fail?

  • @BeagleBuddy-qf7uw

    The Guardsmen really took "Only in death does duty end" to the next level

  • @shan9usfc

    Of all things I didn't expect...

  • @abilawaandamari8366

    The one downside of the necrons is that they're too damn spiteful and petty. Alright, let's say Szeras still needs the precision of a deathmark. Fine, send him in then, but can't you at least spare a couple destroyer or pair him up. You can even order the destroyer to stay on standby just to protect the deathmark if something like this happens.