Pakistani Jihadi lives openly in Pakistan

Ten million dollars does not seem to buy much in this bustling Pakistani city of Lahore. That is the sum the United States is offering for help in convicting Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, perhaps the country's best-known jihadi leader. Yet Mr. Saeed lives an open, and apparently fearless, life in a middle-class neighbourhood here. "I move about like an ordinary person - that's my style," said Mr. Saeed, a burly 64-year-old, reclining on a bolster as he ate a chicken supper. "My fate is in the hands of God, not America."
Mr. Saeed is the founder, and is still widely believed to be the true leader, of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the militant group that carried out the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, India, in which more than 160 people, including six Americans, were killed. The United Nations has placed him on a terrorist list and imposed sanctions on his group. But few believe he will face trial any time soon in a country that maintains a perilous ambiguity toward jihadi militancy, casting a benign eye on some groups, even as it battles others that attack the state.
