Paidushko | Alfred Bösendorfer


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Alfred Boesendorfer’s inspiration for writing "Paidushko" was the traditional folk dances of the Balkans. People still don’t agree about the geographic location of this region, as it comprises several countries, such as Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Rumania and Greece. But the composer does not really care about exact borderlines - in the end, music knows no limits. After a fiery Hungarian czardas beginning we reach Slovenia, represented by a calm and lovely melody. Soon the Balkan spirit shows in a wild dance as an intermezzo, merging into a passionate Slavonic gypsy song before we reach Romania, Macedonia and Bulgaria. The folk music there is fascinating, full of spirit and very complex. First we hear a Romanian whistle with drum accompaniment. The intervals used here are significant for this kind of music; they have inspired many composers over time. The combination of different meters is also very special; they make the music quite difficult but at the same time very fascinating. For musicians this means a certain challenge, but when they finally achieve this task, the whole Balkan spirit of life unfolds. In the finale of "Paidushko" we hear Greek and Turkish music in form of a hora, a typical dance with sirtaki elements. The circle of the Balkan Rhapsody is complete, when the Gypsy music of the introduction returns for the finale.
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