Osteomyelitis Bone Infection - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes osteomyelitis bone infection.
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Osteomyelitis Bone Infection
Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone. It may be an incurable disease. Usually bacteria causes infection in the bone. Staph aureus is the most common organism in adults. Leukocytes are attracted to the area and secrete enzymes in attempt to kill the bacteria. Blood flow to the area is decreased and a devitalized, necrotic bone is formed called a sequestrum. A sequestrum is infected, dead bone resulting from osteomyelitis. Haversian canals surround blood vessels and nerve cells throughout the bone. The sequestrum has no connection to normal bone through the Haversian system (osteon). Because of the fact that the sequestrum is avascular or a dead piece of bone, antibiotics cannot reach the sequestrum or the bacteria. In fact, the bacteria enters the bone cells and hides inside them. Antibiotics alone may not help due to difficulty in penetrating the necrotic area. The involucrum is new bone formation around the sequestrum. The body is trying to seal off the infection by forming new bone. The sequestrum will drain through the sinus. Biopsy of the sinus is not representative of the infection. Multiple deep samples, preferably bone biopsy and cultures, are needed. Biopsy of the sinus is important in long standing cases of osteomyelitis to rule out the formation of squamous cell carcinoma. Associated medical conditions include dialysis, malnutrition, diabetes, IV drug use, and immunosuppression. Patients with sickle cell anemia may have osteomyelitis caused by Salmonella; however, Staph aureus is the most common cause. Patients with IV drug use that have acromioclavicular or sternoclavicular joint infections may occur due to Pseudomonas. The patient may also get pseudomonas from a puncture wound through the shoes. Immunosuppressed patients and patients on parental nutrition may get fungal osteomyelitis (very rare). In children, Eosinophilic granuloma, Ewing’s sarcoma, and acute osteomyelitis may resemble each other. The patient may have pain, fever, or tenderness of the area, and the patient may also have an increased sedimentation rate and leukocytosis. Osteomyelitis can also be confused with a healing fracture or with a benign or malignant tumor. Sometimes a biopsy is necessary for the diagnosis. Only 50% of chronic musculoskeletal infections will have elevated inflammatory markers. Osteomyelitis can be acute, chronic, or subacute. Acute osteomyelitis is usually within 2 weeks. Chronic osteomyelitis is after several months. Subacute is from 4 weeks to several months. There are three types of patients and four types of bone infections in osteomyelitis. The three types of patients are healthy, compromised, and severe systemic compromise. Compromised patients can be locally compromised when they have sinus tract, free flap, and decreased blood supply or systemically compromised when they have comorbidities. In patients with severe systemic compromise, the host in whom treatment will lead to greater morbidity than the infection itself. The four types of bone infections are medullary, superficial, localized defect with stable bone, and diffuse infection with involvement of bone stability. Treatment of osteomyelitis is usually a combination of surgical debridement of the necrotic, nonviable tissue plus administration of culture specific antibiotics. Fist, open the involucrum, next remove the sequestrum (dead bone), then saucerize the bone. Make sure a pathological fracture is not created. Stabilize the bone if needed (external fixator is usually preferred). Fill the cavity with bone chips, cement, or a muscle flap if needed. Intravenous antibiotics are usually given for a period of 6 weeks (usually organism specific). Recurrence of infection is high and occurs in about 30% of cases. MRSA osteomyelitis occurs with a body temperature more than 38 degrees, a WBC count more than 12,000, a hematocrit less than 34%, and a C-reactive protein more than 13. These four independent predictors differentiate between MRSA and MSSA osteomyelitis with 92% chance of having MRSA if all the four are present. If you have MRSA, you give vancomycin or clindamycin. In MRSA, you will have a higher incidence of DVT than other causes of osteomyelitis. Older children, 8 years old or more, with MRSA osteomyelitis and CRP more than 6 have a 40% incidence of DVT on presentation. The presence of Panton-valentine leucocidin gene encoded in strains of MRSA bacteria may explain the deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Careful workup and staging of the bone and the host utilizing the Cierny-Mader classification is important to develop a successful treatment plan.

Пікірлер: 135

  • @danaknighte6820
    @danaknighte68202 жыл бұрын

    I’ve been suffering with this for over 8 or 9 months now and I’ve been treated like I’ve done something criminal. My doctors won’t give pain medicine because they say we are in an opioid epidemic. I didn’t know a person could survive this long in so much pain. God help anyone else who has this.

  • @ugochukwueze496


    Жыл бұрын

    Sorry for the pain i hope you get better

  • @greyhound3561


    Жыл бұрын

    Dana, ask your Doctor if anti-inflammatory tablets will help, they help me but I`m on severe pain meds as well, In Australia we don`t have industry-caused opioid epidemics which are followed by knee-jerk reactions like that. (You could always get a new Doctor too) Good luck, I know how waking up and the full-force of pain hits feels, I can`t move my leg for 10 minutes or until I get some blood-flow in them, I`m cheating by taking a dose and waiting until I`m able to move.

  • @booya4630


    Жыл бұрын

    Omg Me too they act like I'm crazy when all I want is the dang pain to stop my leg swells up so bad that it feels like its going to burst from being stretched to the max and not to mention but it's also always super hot ugh it started out just my leg now it's my ankle and both bones in my leg and my hip it's insane I can't get anyone to help me :,(

  • @shanealdridge8893


    Жыл бұрын

    Hello guys, I have osteomyelitis with the bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa.. I broke my arm at work back in December of last year and had surgery a week later (10 screws with plate) about 3 weeks ago I noticed something weird going on with my incision site.. a big lump with redness and swelling. I went to see my surgeon on August 25th and he said I'm being admitted to the hospital and I had surgery the next day. They took out all the metal hardware and basically washed out my arm and also had a drain thing. Keep in mind I've never had a fever or chills. I got discharged on August 31st and am currently taking cefepime every 8 hrs through my PICC line. I am concerned because the mortality rate with this bacteria is %18 to %61 (sounds awful) I changed the dressing today and noticed the redness is gone along with the swelling and looks normal now. Prior to surgery my CRP levels were high and SED rate was high. A new blood test was taken on Sept 1 and shows my CRP levels normal with SED rate still high but not as high as before (20 mm) do you guys think I will be okay? I mean I feel fine and have no pain.

  • @reneeesquivel6730


    Жыл бұрын

    Stay strong. Pain meds will only deter the pain, have to try and get stronger and stretch more

  • @emuemran1991
    @emuemran1991 Жыл бұрын

    I am diagnosed with this problem in my left leg. Everyone should pray for me that Allah helps the doctors to perform the operation successfully. Also, I am very financially strapped. Only God knows how to do it.

  • @jogaraorai9602


    12 күн бұрын

    ఇప్పుడు మీరు ఎలా వున్నారు మీ ట్రీట్మెంట్ cost ఎంత ఐయ్యింది

  • @BabySmoove305
    @BabySmoove3054 жыл бұрын

    I developed CHRONIC osteomyelitis after going in to have an ovarian cyst removed (not cancerous just extremely large @ 10 cm) the gynecologist punctured my aorta 3 times during surgery and only stopped when i flatlined. I was cut open and artery was clenched while a code blue was issued waiting for a qualified surgeon to answer the call. I lost 70% of the blood in my body and was given 20 pints blood transfusion. The surgeon that answered the call described and compared my aorta , ivc and small intestine punctures to a wet shredded piece of tissue. I was in a coma for 5 days with 8% chance of survival fighting dvt blood clots back to back every day , in my left leg, for 4 days. The wound being constantly reopened as it would clot again. I had internal bleeding and had to have everything that was patched, repaired. 12 hours after waking up from coma, i was awakened to being told that i had compartment syndrome in the leg as a result of the dvt surgeries and they didn’t know if they could save my leg. I told him to kill me if he couldn’t. They saved the leg but the fasciotomy they did removed so much muscle and tissue and was cut to the bone severing all the nerves in my lower leg, paralyzing my leg permanently. I was 26, an accomplished Chef and had spent my entire life planning for a future that was no longer an option, due to the flick of someone’s wrist who Kept pushing her surgical instruments in even though they wouldn’t go in because she was too lazy to do the 4 inch incision I agreed to before surgery, in case she was unable to get in laparoscopically. I was determined to get better and really felt mobility would come back in my leg. 11 months later all my extreme and deep wounds were still healing, everything healed but a tiny 1 inch part of the wound which I continued to complain about 3 to 4 times a week to the wound care surgeon that was treating me and who runs the entire won’t care center at the hospital. Even though he did my skin graft surgery and knew exactly what I have previously been through due to negligence, He treated me like every other case and then take my complaints seriously enough to do an MRI. Five months later I woke up and couldn’t move was hospitalized an MRI was done and I was told that I have had osteomyelitis growing in my tibia for five months and it was chronic and one of the worst cases they’ve seen it it just completely taken over my tibia. It’s now been four years since the original trauma I’ve lost count of surgeries I think somewhere around 16 surgeries in four years... I have had debridement surgery for the chronic osteomyelitis twice now without success I go through that entire process of hell and when we go to recheck a year later it’s still there. I’ve been on antibiotics for over four years now and told I will be on it for the rest of my life. My leg is still paralyzed I am in severe chronic pain on a daily basis I have gained copious amount of weight from being bedridden for most of the last 4+ years and from the pain and nerve medication, and every day I want to die. Lost everything, my career I worked sooo sooo hard for and sacrificed my 20’s for, my relationship and friendships...everyone left soon after including family, my health, my freedom and independence. I have one functioning leg (although i tore that meniscus due to overcompensating my weight barring the past couple years) so I don’t want to be wheelchair-bound 24/7 but it’s also so difficult and painful to walk even 2 blocks with a hideous leg brace and because of the paralysis in my left leg my toes Have started to curl and I have constant issues like cellulitis popping up because my toes are rubbing on the floor while my big toe is locked pointing up due to the nerves being severed and dead and I can’t feel anything so I don’t know and keep walking on it and essentially walking on bleeding wounds which turn into cellulitis which take months and months to heal after triple iv antibiotics and weeks in hospital. I refuse to let them take my leg, I become hysterical when a doctor tells me to cut it off , I’ll drive off the freeway the first day I get out of the hospital. I’ve been through hell I know my strengths and know what I can I cannot handle in life and that is something I cannot handle living with. You don’t know until you’re in my shoes. Every doctor is afraid to give me advice or help me and just pawns me off to each other in fear of a lawsuit when all I really want is help and would not fault anyone for attempting to help me. I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t know where or who to turn to for help! how am I going to live the rest of my life with this disease which is opening the pathway for more diseases like diabetes due to my weight gain and severe chronic pain. I need a new word for the level of depression I have. No word in American language can accurately convey the depth of my depression.

  • @johnslaughter7110


    4 жыл бұрын

    ojan I wish we lived close to each other and could help each other out. I got osteomyelitis in my spine 9 months ago and they waited until I lost the use of my legs to do an emergency surgery where they fused six vertebrae together and installed a bunch of hardware. I was told then I would never walk again but 4 days after surgery I got to my feet. While learning to walk I fell and broke my right leg. They did surgery and put it in a cast which I had to cut off 10 days later because of the pain. It was horribly infected and they had to go back in and debride it. The pain in my back and leg and shoulder is excruciating and they don't want to give you any pain medication. I want out badly also but my dogs are so spoiled they couldn't survive under a new owner. It would also kill my mother and I can't deal with that. You are correct this sucks.

  • @BabySmoove305


    4 жыл бұрын

    John Slaughter Hi John. Hurts me to read your story because i know exactly the pain you’re in mentally and emotionally. I too have 3 dogs that are my world and besides them, only reason I’m still alive is because it would absolutely kill my mother to lose me , I’d be killing 2 people and I suffer physically and emotionally every day so that she doesn’t have to suffer any more than she already does, seeing her young daughter who use to be so full of life, go through this. I’m in a pool of tears as i am writing this. I am so sorry for what you have, and are going through. It’s so so so frustrating and unfair that because of the people who don’t need and abuse pain meds, those who actually need it to stay alive have to fight and fight with doctors and hospitals to get even the minimum. The who health care system has just become a cash cow and doctors are not making the right calls and people are suffering for the rest of their life while they move on and never think twice about us again. This is not living. It’s so painful seeing everyone around me and online living up soaking up life while I’m in bed at home on my phone just watching them unable to do it myself if i wanted to. What kind of life is this. I’m only 32, well 33 next month. My friend did a documentary on my story and the broken medical malpractice system, you could watch the preview of it on KZread it’s called “the never events” . Let’s link up on social media if you have it and help support each other through this hell we have been forced into. Stay strong John. You are not alone, I understand you okay . Peace and Love - Ojan

  • @irfanm5892


    2 жыл бұрын

    I am very sorry. I myself have an infection in my collorbone i donot what it is yet. I suggest you to look into islam and submit yourself to god. It will bring peace in your life. Try to be openminded and look into it.

  • @PedromyChichi07


    2 жыл бұрын

    What type of specialist do you say because I just had surgery and he was a neurosurgeon and he thinks that I'm cured and I'm in a whole lot of pain and I'm homeless if you know the specialist please let me know thank you and I'll keep you in my prayers!

  • @lindanorris2455


    Жыл бұрын


  • @craigmckinnon242
    @craigmckinnon242 Жыл бұрын

    Terrific video right to the point I wish i looked at this video when I first had the compound fracture that led to bone. It's been 11 months I don't know why the doctors didn't say this out right. But now with this information and hopefully cure me.

  • @helenburke3499
    @helenburke34997 ай бұрын

    Thank you...i have recently been in hospital to be treated for osteomyelitis...and had bits of bone removed...i am recovering well...walking on crutches...watching from the south east of England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • @hg9460
    @hg94603 жыл бұрын

    thanks, you made it easy to understand better

  • @rowenagarcia2700
    @rowenagarcia27004 жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much for the information👍

  • @jamesturner2834
    @jamesturner28342 жыл бұрын

    Very interesting and informative. Thank you sir.

  • @TheOriginalMarimoChan
    @TheOriginalMarimoChan4 жыл бұрын

    Thank you, very informative!!

  • @vhartman66
    @vhartman663 ай бұрын

    Incredibly helpful wondering if since you made this video is there now Stem Cell Therapy for this?

  • @BalsamMohamed
    @BalsamMohamed Жыл бұрын

    Great explanation Thank you, sir

  • @drha6646
    @drha66465 жыл бұрын

    thanks sir ! simple and easy lecture!

  • @lindanorris2455
    @lindanorris2455 Жыл бұрын


  • @ahmedsrssamir8192
    @ahmedsrssamir81925 жыл бұрын

    Thanks 😊

  • @dr.asheralbert9446
    @dr.asheralbert94463 жыл бұрын

    Thank u Doctor!

  • @nakanwagiscovia515
    @nakanwagiscovia5153 жыл бұрын

    Thank you doctor

  • @seenu_kchsreddy742
    @seenu_kchsreddy7425 жыл бұрын

    The best teaching making every fool to well understand. ..that s u...great sir👍

  • @user-ng4fl3ml4e
    @user-ng4fl3ml4e5 жыл бұрын

    Thank you sir,,

  • @samtoproll6151
    @samtoproll61512 жыл бұрын

    Very helpful

  • @iimz6819
    @iimz681927 күн бұрын

    Crisp and clear

  • @DannyJay-dz7xj
    @DannyJay-dz7xj2 жыл бұрын

    thank you doctor

  • @sumaiya9359
    @sumaiya93592 жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much..

  • @redram5150
    @redram51505 жыл бұрын

    I dealt with this in my right hip at Boy Scout camp one summer. I was 15. I scraped my ankle on a tree stump. The following day I was so weak i couldn’t get up from my cot. I was on IV antibiotics for a while. It’s been so long I can’t recall how long treatment took.

  • @ethanboyd7843


    3 жыл бұрын

    I hope you made Eagle! Hope you did well, best accpmplishment of my life, and then being Horrifically mangled and burned at the SWJ20 in Thailand was the real experience!

  • @dgh1876


    3 жыл бұрын

    R u ok now

  • @nagarajagoppajji2527
    @nagarajagoppajji25273 жыл бұрын

    Thank you sir 🌹🌹

  • @georgealderson4424
    @georgealderson44245 жыл бұрын

    As always your video was very interesting sir (even to a semi-lay person such as myself.) I imagine that osteomyelitis must be of particular concern when treating children for other conditions. I had several surgical procedures for talipes about 50 years ago when I was about 11 years old but I was spared any complications such as that! Once again my best wishes and thanks for all that you do Sir.

  • @Raptor2607
    @Raptor26072 жыл бұрын

    7 years on still paying the price of getting sepsis in my sternum can never be fixed your health Is your wealth be careful people

  • @annetteslife
    @annetteslife3 жыл бұрын

    I was just diagnosed with this today. I may have to go for IV antibiotics and see an orthopedic surgeon. I got this after a bunionectomy I had last year

  • @dgh1876


    3 жыл бұрын

    I was just diagnosed with this today. Dr was just gonna give me the steroid shots n my back but ordered bloodwork first n this is found smh I’m worried. He is sending me to an infection doctor and also an arthritis doctor

  • @thuanho744


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@dgh1876 how are you now? I had shoulder surgery 5 months ago for rotator cuff tear but got infection now. I am having IV for 6 weeks. But infection damaged my shoulder bone so after infection done I have to do shoulder replacement. I found different dr for replacement but dr said i have to wait for 3 months treating infection make sure infection gone. So how do I know infection is gone? Thanks

  • @velvettalasrado3744
    @velvettalasrado37442 жыл бұрын

    Suffering from chronic osteomyelitis since 2011.. had more than 20 surgeries of the tibia

  • @manwar999
    @manwar9993 жыл бұрын

    good job

  • @ann9573
    @ann95735 жыл бұрын

    Hi, could You please explain, what is it Stressfaktor inside foot, and if You can about Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome... thank You.

  • @rosiefans863
    @rosiefans8638 ай бұрын


  • @zas881
    @zas8813 жыл бұрын


  • @GopikaThakor
    @GopikaThakor5 күн бұрын

    Thank u

  • @monalishanayak4487
    @monalishanayak44875 жыл бұрын

    It is good..for understanding and notes making...it clears basic concepts

  • @deborahshore-robinson5800
    @deborahshore-robinson58002 жыл бұрын

    I know this post is old. I had severe osteomyelitis after a urological operation. My whole public bone, my hip bones and half way down my legs. I ended up in a wheel chair for months as the pain was so severe. It was months, about 12months before I could walk properly. The infection eased but then it escalated again. I had a piece of my public bone removed and was eventually given the correct antibodies. It was very painful as mine had spread so far.

  • @PedromyChichi07


    2 жыл бұрын

    What were the correct antibiotics?.

  • @deborahshore-robinson5800


    2 жыл бұрын

    Sorry I can't remember, I know one lot of the tablets had to be kept in the fridge. The piece of bone taken was to find what the infection was My orthopaedic surgeon had not seen this kind of osteomyelitis infection before.

  • @bhuvaneshwariumachagi785


    Жыл бұрын

    where u took treatment

  • @lindanorris2455


    Жыл бұрын


  • @ashokrasve55
    @ashokrasve555 жыл бұрын


  • @shonahayward1395
    @shonahayward13954 жыл бұрын

    I was diagnosed with osteomyelitis when I was 9 I am now 25 and still going through it, I kept getting tonsillitis at least 10 times a year my mum kept taking me to the Doctors and they wouldn’t do anything one morning I woke up and it looks like someone put a golf ball in my ankle my mum then demanded a blood test the doctor was really rude he done one within two hours they told my parents take me straight to the hospital as my tonsils poisoned my bloodstream which gave me streptococcus and then it attacked my joints two years ago I had my right knee reconstructed and now I am on the waiting list to have my left knee reconstructed because of this illness

  • @nikhilpatil1333


    2 жыл бұрын

    Stay strong buddy it's hard everything is going to be alright

  • @enalakarim8589
    @enalakarim858910 ай бұрын

    U are the best

  • @irfanpasha6542
    @irfanpasha65424 жыл бұрын

    Which is better treatment plz tell me

  • @fulistfu9694
    @fulistfu9694 Жыл бұрын

    I have this 1 year .. but barely been dionosed .. 6 week of meds no beer. And might lose arm .. looking into lawsuit against 1st hospital no dionosed proper

  • @michaelkelly7162
    @michaelkelly71624 жыл бұрын

    Yes. Got it in England at 4 years old in 1957. I’ll never forget the pain. Fortunately several weeks in the hospital getting anti biotic shots fixed the problem. I never got it again. 😉

  • @ethanboyd7843


    3 жыл бұрын

    Good to hear, I'm 35 and have had 8 surgeries but I've been clear for years. And yeah, the pain is exquisite.

  • @chiragsolanki391


    3 жыл бұрын

    Micheal I from india I can't get any proper medicine around many doctors change can please suggest me medicine you took which doctors you shows.

  • @chiragsolanki391


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@ethanboyd7843 I am 31 year I have same problem in left wrist.

  • @ethanboyd7843


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@chiragsolanki391 Bother me until I get you something, I owe $126k in student loans, I'd love to make it worth helping someone.

  • @ethanboyd7843


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@chiragsolanki391 or text at seven two four five two five three six six three country code +1 I can send you meds

  • @andresteylaerts5032
    @andresteylaerts50322 жыл бұрын

    i know all this,lost my both legs beneath the knees by osteomyelitis,but there is still pain 24/24,year after year . clinic here in flanders can't help me . first amputation 24.08.2010 and second 23.10.2020 .

  • @PedromyChichi07
    @PedromyChichi072 жыл бұрын

    What type of specialist should I see I just had surgery and my doctor was a neurosurgeon and believes that I have been healed just with the stabilization alone. I am in horrible pain and need to see a specialist for this disease please help me if anyone knows what type of specialist can help me thank you!!

  • @timothywiley6334
    @timothywiley63342 жыл бұрын


  • @maegennacedo9901
    @maegennacedo99012 жыл бұрын

    Sir how about the case of my husband.. He has a osteomyelitis with a draining sinus in medullary bone... Because his stainless did not remove for 17 years. What will I do

  • @komputer2ur
    @komputer2ur3 жыл бұрын

    May allah bless you dr. :)

  • @nicolecross4834
    @nicolecross4834 Жыл бұрын

    I spent 6 months in a hospital 1000 myself from home it was so painful, it eat in to my couler bone and first rib had some bone taken out but for so long antibiotics did nothing to stop the infection, don't no how I got it. But they don't like giving put pain medication but it's your right and you can say Ryan's rule witch mean get a nother docters opinion

  • @thegentleman6355
    @thegentleman6355 Жыл бұрын

    I got sepsis and it got into my sternum I don't know how I was only 30 last 10 years have been he'll painkiller to painkiller doctor to doctor I've not alot of nerve damage and early arthritis and they still can't tell me how I got sepsis I'd no cuts anywhere on my body

  • @christopherramirez5259
    @christopherramirez52593 жыл бұрын

    I have osteomyelitis on my number back. I’m taking antibiotics for it.

  • @toyosifonwon1022
    @toyosifonwon10222 жыл бұрын

    Hello doctor,I did an osteomyelitis surgery 3 years ago in my upper leg(I had frank pus all over my leg due to infected incisions),like since last year I've been feeling some pains in my upper leg and also it's getting stiffer up to my thighs, what do I

  • @lindanorris2455


    Жыл бұрын


  • @ceb7894
    @ceb78945 ай бұрын

    What do you do with a 91-year-old? Who has this - do you do surgery? They have her on anabiotic’s without surgery.

  • @RaweendraEndera
    @RaweendraEnderaАй бұрын

    Bacteria has gone to my bones. It's been almost a year now. Currently, it has been a month since the surgery. Identified and treated from culture reports. An injection was also given for that. Even so, the juice is still flowing from the wound. Is it possible to know the reason and treatment for this? I am a Sri Lankan patient

  • @mysticalbitch
    @mysticalbitch Жыл бұрын

    He sounds like the evil doctor alien that created Stitch in Lilo and Stitch lllolll I luv it

  • @imcn8dn
    @imcn8dn6 ай бұрын

    is this actully a diesses or infrection can it kill u im a iv user i have this in thumb \

  • @AfricabeyondtheLimits
    @AfricabeyondtheLimits Жыл бұрын

    I am afraid iam about to develop this disease! and our doctors seem not awaire of this or the possibility of this.I had chronic staph aureus UTI then later all my back are arching

  • @castellanofan1365
    @castellanofan1365 Жыл бұрын

    I have Osteomyelitis in my left toe... NOW they are saying stick with antibiotics... amputation may NOT be necessary. Btw does the dead bone ever heal and does it spread any further 🤔 Many thanks 👍

  • @shanealdridge8893


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm pretty sure they cut out the dead bone, I wish you the best

  • @rajakamranhussain-ve5zv
    @rajakamranhussain-ve5zv5 жыл бұрын

    Sir . My English is weak. I am on bed after 8 years. Because hip joint replacement. After 1 or 2 years is leg facture. If on bed leg facture the touch leg bed. 2nd time walking on road . If facture. Hip joint was replacement 2 time. In 8 year. Pain is very fully in hip. This time is facture in hip. 3nd time after operation all reports is OK. No infection or bone sacking is reports is OK. Please can you help me sir. Hip joints is loose after 1 year or 2 year. This time is facture in leg. Pain is very this time. Please help me sir

  • @IggyArssie


    3 жыл бұрын

    A new doctor a bone specialist

  • @Vinaykumar-ug4gm
    @Vinaykumar-ug4gm3 жыл бұрын

    hello sir.. your video is really nice.. my grandmother was suffering from same condition and i really dont know what can be done about this then someone suggested to use planet ayurveda medication.. then we ordered their products and grand maa used them.. she really noticed a difference in her condition..

  • @velvettalasrado3744


    2 жыл бұрын

    Hi Vinay Kumar, can you tell what Ayurveda have Ull used for ur grandma

  • @StudyAddaSoumyashrivastava


    Жыл бұрын

    Can u plz tell me the details of Medcines...as I m also suffering from this...n after surgery also it comes...plzzz hlp me

  • @lindanorris2455


    Жыл бұрын


  • @shan2987
    @shan29873 жыл бұрын

    Can you eat chilli and tomatoes while you're being diagnosed with Chronic Osteomyelitis?

  • @lindanorris2455


    Жыл бұрын


  • @annap1191
    @annap1191 Жыл бұрын

    Is it diagnosed by X-ray?

  • @futurefunfactfff9252
    @futurefunfactfff92524 жыл бұрын

    Help me sir please

  • @cricboxx
    @cricboxx2 жыл бұрын

    Hello Sir, I am from India. My father having savere bone infection in the lower jaw bone area. I consult so many doctors but no one have clearity about treatment. We have done biopsy 3 times, Pet ctscan all other nessary tests al tests are normal but doctors still not concluded any treatment. As per our research it looks like a jaw osteomyelitis. Now condition is very sevare. Pus is draining from 2/3 areas. Please help us and guide for the appropriate treatment I would very helpful please on the basis of human ground.

  • @bhuvaneshwariumachagi785


    Жыл бұрын

    plz suggest me for good treatment in karnataka for osteomyelitis

  • @beltranjhoncarlo1546
    @beltranjhoncarlo15464 жыл бұрын

    doc my son diagnosed chronic ostemoyelitis femur left..😢

  • @lt4865


    3 жыл бұрын

    @beltran jhon carlo can I ask how your son was diagnosed? What were the symptoms and what made them say it was osteomyelitis??

  • @parthdwivedi7154


    3 жыл бұрын

    Is he alright now??

  • @aljabr1465
    @aljabr14655 ай бұрын

    I envy All of those watching this for fun 😅

  • @nicolecross4834
    @nicolecross4834 Жыл бұрын

    Ryan's rule

  • @dineshchawarevlogs
    @dineshchawarevlogs4 жыл бұрын

    I'm suffering from osteomyelitis.4 operation done but not recover..pls help me

  • @dgh1876


    3 жыл бұрын

    I was just diagnosed with this. I don’t understand what’s going on with it. What surgeries did u have

  • @BalamuruganNBala-ce5nx


    3 жыл бұрын

    Where r u from

  • @BalamuruganNBala-ce5nx


    3 жыл бұрын

    Where r u from..?

  • @dineshchawarevlogs


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@BalamuruganNBala-ce5nx chandrapur,maharashtra

  • @taslimpathan2618
    @taslimpathan26183 жыл бұрын

    हिंदी में भी डालो

  • @julieverma1865
    @julieverma18655 ай бұрын

    That is not true

  • @RaweendraEndera


    Ай бұрын
