One tradition that will never die and for good reason - The table.

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@GraceFueledFamilies believes that your family values are your glue to hold the team together and an essential ingredient to this is healthy family connection.
What are your meal times like these days? Have they become mundane, hard, rushed or even non-existent in the busyness of life? The table is a sacred place for family connection! What do we mean by this? Does it have to be at a table? No, not really, but it is important to not lose the habit of eating together and sitting as a family, screen free and enjoying deep conversation.
This episode discusses the Biblical basis of meeting together and outlines research of positive reasons to keep the ritual of eating together at ‘the table’. Some of these include, developing healthy eating habits, mental health benefits, building stronger family relationships, improving communication skills, as well as teaching life skills.
This important tradition of eating together and sharing together is the foundation to build a strong and connected family and a sense of family identity and a safe space to share. The next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to appreciate the power of the table.
