One More Round: Welcome to MAIS YEAH! at Tales of the Cocktail® 2023

Join us in New Orleans for a behind-the-scenes look at MAIS YEAH! at Tales of the Cocktail®, the industry's leading cocktail event for the professional beverage industry. MAIS YEAH! was Southern Glazer's two-day, groundbreaking activation that featured diverse- and women-owned and led brands from the Company's portfolio, as well as a series of activities meant to promote the creation of a more inclusive hospitality industry, while also supporting important nonprofits in the community. Southern Glazer's was proud to be the first wine and spirits distributor to activate an official event at Tales of the Cocktail®.
"Mais yeah" (pronounced 'may yeah') is a Cajun language phrase that means "but yes" or "of course" and reflects the openness and generosity of the people who live in New Orleans. At the Southern Glazer's MAIS YEAH! event, the phrase represented a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, where all are welcome.
