One Belt, One Road : Understanding China. Episode 1

ThinkTech Hawaii live broadcast, January 24, 2017. Edited. Sponsored by Asia-Pacific Group.
Hosted by Michael North, Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
at the studios of ThinkTech Hawaii, downtown Honolulu
and by Zhou Xiao Fang, Zhou Enlai Peace Institute
at the offices at Centennial Plaza, Changan Ave., Beijing
An explanation of China’s One Belt, One Road policy, so the world can understand China better. Where did the policy originate, and when? What do the Chinese words literally mean, when you look at the characters? What is the belt referred to, and what is the road? What is the purpose of this policy, and what are some examples of how it is being implemented? Is it economic, trade, cultural, educational, security, or a combination of all? What countries are currently involved? How is it projected to grow over the next 10 years? What role can America play, should America play?
