Old Video Revisited ~ Restaurants Banning Noisy Children (From 8-4-2014)

In light of a recent event of a restaurant requiring it's patrons to meet the age requirements of, 35 for men and 30 for women (there is a method to their madness I suppose), I am reminded of a similar practice going on here in the Denver area. Some nightclubs were requiring patrons to be something in the range of 25 to 29. The reason for this was, their thinking that the ages for people in gangs was in the 18-24 to 29 range.
Then, I was also reminded of a restaurant in California, back in 2014 that had implemented a ban on children - noisy children to be exact. Naturally - just like the higher age requirement to avoid gang activity would also keep people who are not involved in such activity from coming as well; families with well-behaved children would also be negatively affected. As it usually goes: "the few ruin it for many". "A few bad apples spoil the whole bunch".
I was no stranger to this. After working at Walmart for nearly five years, I was fully accustomed to screaming children going unchecked. There was an instance when a child was several feet from it's mother - but apparently unaware of her whereabouts - crying as if lost. This went of for nearly a minute - that's and hour in lost-kid time. Seeing this, I announced loudly to nobody in particular "will someone please attend to their child" and the offended party - a mother - glared in my direction before heading over to the crying child.
According to another employee who was a cashier, a child keep spinning the bag carousel, making it difficult for him to put the groceries in the one bag because it was moving away. He asked the child to not move the thing and the parent complained to him over that.
Then there was a bar I frequented. When I was younger, it was predominately an older crowd (40s-50s-ish) and the music was Country - more along the lines of the older style. In my late 30s, the bar started catering to a younger crowd and including Pop, Dance and Hip-Hop, thus bringing the cultures of the younger crowd. I don't really have a problem with younger crowds - especially getting into EDM at 52 years old and opting to go dancing at a club whose crowd was younger - but I didn't like how the bar catered to that crowd and allowed the atmosphere to be more for them and their cultures. Perhaps having a particular night for them would have been better.
Just like that bar started catering to a younger crowd, the restaurant, by setting the age bar to 30/35, is wanting to cater to an older and more mature crowd, perhaps not people who go off the rails over piss-ant and political issues, while the restaurants barring children, want to cater to adults who are hopefully childish.
#children #behavior #unruly
