Oh, Davy Jones (Metal) - Teaguel

Hi! I write songs in my spare time. I have no real talent with any instruments. So now that I have the ability to turn my lyrics into an actual song, it is just amazing! I hope you enjoy and if you like the song, give me a thumbs up! Also, share if you can! If you have instrumental talent, let's collaborate! I will be adding more songs when I can. Thank you!!
In the dead of night, with the sea so still,
A shadowy figure, you can feel the chill.
Davy Jones, with his ghostly crew,
Sailing the depths, his eyes on you.
Oh, Davy Jones, ruler of the deep,
In his locker, lost souls he'll keep.
Beware the call of the ocean's moans,
For meeting Davy Jones means hearing his groans.
His ship, the Flying Dutchman, cuts through the mist,
A spectral sight that cannot be missed.
Sailors whisper tales of his cursed fate,
To be lost at sea, forever to wait.
Oh, Davy Jones, ruler of the deep,
In his locker, lost souls he'll keep.
Beware the call of the ocean's moans,
For meeting Davy Jones means hearing his groans.
Many have tried to cheat his grasp,
But Davy Jones's reach will forever last.
So if you sail where the dark waters roam,
Pray you never find Davy Jones's home.
Oh, Davy Jones, ruler of the deep,
In his locker, lost souls he'll keep.
Beware the call of the ocean's moans,
For meeting Davy Jones means hearing his groans.
NOTE: Instruments and vocals provided by Suno. Lyrics belong to me.
