"O soave fanciulla" - "La boheme" - Serhii Hurets - Nicole Vander


Sung as the concluding piece of act 1, the characters Rodolfo (tenor) and Mimì (soprano) convey their profound realization of falling deeply in love with each other.
This performance was recorded at the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center in Arlington, Virginia on September 16th, 2023. This historic concert was a captivating bilateral military musical collaboration, offering a unique opportunity to showcase public support for the resilient and heroic people of Ukraine.
Enjoy "O soave fanciulla" sung by our very own soprano Technical Sgt. Nicole Vander Does, and guest tenor soloist Mr. Serhii Hurets.
O soave fanciulla
Giacomo Pucinni
arr. Senior Master Sgt. (ret.) Robert Thurston
Colonel Maksym Husack, conductor
Mr. Serhii Hurets, tenor
Technical Sgt. Nicole Vander Does, soprano
The United States Air Force Band

