NTxGD 2023: In-Home Working Dogs

Have you ever wondered what happens to the dogs within the Patriot PAWS Service Dog Training Program that decide their calling is elsewhere? In order to make the best use of our donors' funds, Patriot PAWS will try our best to find each dog a working placement. Check out Daniel's story of his amazing dog, Tommy, who pursued an In-Home Working Dog career.
Our In-Home Working Dogs are still trained to perform many, and sometimes all of the cues that are taught to Service Dogs, and are a fantastic option for our Veterans, First Responders, and others who may have the resources and help while out of the house, but may still need the companionship, and services that a Patriot PAWS dog can provide.
Early Giving for North Texas Giving Day opens tomorrow! Set a reminder to Get Up And Give to Patriot PAWS or your favorite North Texas Charity!
