NO MORE TEARS Scott Greenwell & Michael Cross - Official Music Video


This is a song about an American who gave it all, from the heart of America. He is someone we know, or would love to know. There is a little of Timmy in every American...

This song/story is fictional, but he/she could be living in your town. Remember those who have fallen to keep us free!
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**Copyrighted material **
Recitation by Michael Cross, MSgt, USAF, Ret.
Vocals by Scott Greenwell, SMSgt, USAF, Ret.
Lyrics by Michael Cross, MSgt, USAF, Ret.
Music by Jimmy Horner
Produced by Michael Cross, MSgt, USAF, Ret.
Engineers: Chuck Turner and Trey Call @ Cash Studios Hendersonville, TN!
**Copyrighted Material **

