[New PvZ2C Version Optimization] Optimization of the loading speed in some occasions


The original translated title had to be significantly abridged in order to have no more than 100 letter. Sincerest apologies!
Original title: 【新版本优化】地图进入等部分场合加载速度优化在本次新版本中,我们针对大家多次反馈的“加载问题”,制作组在安卓版本进行了一轮优化调整;目前进入地图等部分场合加…
Original description:
Translated(with DeepL):
[New Version Optimization] Optimize the loading speed of map entry and other occasions
In this new version, we for everyone's repeated feedback "loading problems", the production team in the Android version of the round of optimization adjustments; currently into the map and other parts of the occasion loading speed compared to the old version of a significant increase.
In addition to the small zombies in the daily experience of other loading problems encountered slower welcome to feedback in the comments section, corn roll will be recorded and submitted to the production team as the direction of the subsequent optimization ~!
Note: This optimization is limited to Android platform, the following will be optimized for iOS platform, please look forward to!

