Never Before Seen Christchurch Quake Footage...

This has never been seen before by the general public, or anyone outside my family and a few friends. It is scenes such as these, in addition to what I saw on the day, that inspired me to write my composition "From the Rubble" (see the music video on this channel). It's 10-year-old footage from the days following the Christchurch Earthquake of 22 Feb, 2011, recorded on my camera whilst I was working as a paramedic in Christchurch. I'm releasing this now for its historical value, and also because it pays tribute to the many people who helped on the ground, during the days after the major event. Search and rescue teams were still looking for survivors, aftershocks were happening all the time, and the city was locked down, known as "The Red Zone". The footage also shows the room I was in when the quake struck, and the temporary hospital tents that were used on the day to treat casualties. [sharing this video on social media is ok, but please request permission before using it for media purposes]. #kiakahachristchurch #weremember
