Net Zero Water - Bullitt Center Case Study

SUMMARY: Designed to operate like the douglas fir forest that once stood in its place, the Bullitt Center gets all the energy that it needs from the sun. Learn how the energy systems in the Bullitt Center were carefully engineered to conserve energy, be 100% renewable and give energy back to the local grid. Deemed the greenest commercial office building in the world, this Living Building Challenge certified building is leading the way to greener future with its net positive energy design.
BIO: Cassandra is a Senior at The Evergreen State College, graduating this June, and the Student Leadership Coordinator for Sustainability Ambassadors. She has been with Sustainability Ambassadors since the fall of 2012. Cassandra is a passionate student leader working to drive a culture of sustainability through systemic change, impressive public speaking and environmental advocacy. Through her work with Sustainability Ambassadors, Cassandra has studied a number of sustainable systems from low impact development to green building. She is currently coordinating a team of 30 student Ambassadors, facilitating collective impact campaigns and leading Sustainability Ambassadors internship program.
