Navigating the Dynamics of Direct and Indirect Procurement with a Spotlight on Consulting

Businesses are waking up to the fact that a top-notch indirect procurement game can be a differentiator for success. It's not just a cost center anymore; it's a strategic player in the company's victory.
But let's ditch the old-school thinking of direct versus indirect procurement. It's time to see it as a choice between strategic and non-strategic buys. Some direct stuff isn't that strategic, and surprise, some indirect buys are real game-changers.
And if we zoom in on consulting - now that's the secret weapon. Aligning your consulting spend with the big picture strategy is where the real power lies. It's not just about hiring consultants; it's about picking projects that move the needle.
To sum it up, playing the procurement game strategically is a must. It challenges the old rules, pushes for teamwork, embraces tech, nurtures strong supplier ties, and rolls with the punches in this crazy business world.
It's the winning playbook for businesses aiming for long-term success in the modern arena. Don't miss out on these insights; Helene breaks it all down in this episode - the game-changer you need for a winning strategy!
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