Namaz Mein Apni Galtiyan Sahi Karen | Live Session | Dr. Farhat Hashmi

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Correcting Mistakes in Salah
Salah (prayer) is one of the most important pillars of Islam. It is an act of worship in which we connect with Allah, seek His forgiveness, and express our gratitude to Him. As with any act of worship, it is important to perform salah correctly and to the best of our ability.
However, it is natural for humans to make mistakes. If you make a mistake in your salah, there are steps you can take to correct it and ensure that your prayer is valid.
Types of Mistakes
There are two main types of mistakes that can occur in salah:
Minor mistakes (sahw): These are small mistakes that do not affect the validity of the prayer. Some examples of minor mistakes include forgetting to recite a portion of the Quran, making a slight movement during rukoo' (bowing) or sujood (prostration), or saying the wrong supplication.
Major mistakes (khata): These are serious mistakes that can invalidate the prayer. Some examples of major mistakes include not performing a wajib (obligatory) action of the prayer, such as forgetting to recite Fatihah, or praying in the wrong direction.
Correcting Minor Mistakes
If you make a minor mistake in your salah, there is no need to stop your prayer. Simply continue with the prayer and make a sujood as-sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) at the end of your prayer. This sujood is a way of seeking forgiveness from Allah for the mistake you made.
To perform sujood as-sahw, follow these steps:
After completing the final tasleem (sitting position), sit upright and say, "Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi" (Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) on both shoulders.
Then, say, "Subhana Rabbi wa bihamdihi" (Glory be to my Lord and praise is to Him) three times.
Prostrate yourself to the ground and say, "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest).
Raise your head and say, "Sami' Allahu liman hamdih" (Allah hears the praise of those who praise Him).
Say, "Rabbena laka al-hamd" (All praise is due to You, our Lord).
Sit upright and say, "Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi" (Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) on both shoulders.
Correcting Major Mistakes
If you make a major mistake in your salah, you must stop your prayer and start it over from the beginning. This is because major mistakes invalidate the prayer.
To start your prayer over, follow these steps:
Make the intention (niyyah) to perform salah again.
Perform the takbirat al-ihram (opening takbirs).
Recite Fatihah and a Surah.
Perform the rest of the rak'ahs of the prayer.
Recite the tasleem and perform sujood as-sahw.
Preventing Mistakes
The best way to avoid making mistakes in your salah is to learn the correct way to perform the prayer. There are many resources available to help you learn, such as books, websites, and classes. You can also ask a knowledgeable Muslim to teach you.
It is also important to be mindful and focused during your salah. Avoid distractions and make sure that you are aware of what you are doing.
Seeking Forgiveness
Even if you make mistakes in your salah, Allah is always forgiving. He knows that we are human and that we make mistakes. The important thing is to be sincere in your repentance and to strive to do better in the future.
Here are some dua (supplications) you can say to seek forgiveness from Allah:
"Allahumma ghfirli" (O Allah, forgive me).
"Astaghfirullahu Rabbee min dhambii wa atub ilaih" (I seek forgiveness from my Lord and I repent to Him).
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