🔥《女人不哭》第12集 | 女總裁豪擲千金買下爛尾樓 💥 只為了奪回被搶走的一切!


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• 💥《女人不哭》孤女被虐待離家出走 💥 多年後...
📺 劇名:#女人不哭
🎬 集數:34
📜 劇情簡介:一場突如其來的地震改變了14歲女孩章子君(田海蓉飾)一家人的命運,為了保護弟弟子華(賈乃亮飾),母親被砸死,父親也死于震難之中,姐弟三個一夜之間成了孤兒,面對即將被拆散的命運,子君萬分絕望又無能為力。狠心的舅媽為了救濟金勉強收留了姐弟三人,面對舅媽(李勤勤飾)的刁難,子君委曲求全。最終,子君經過奮鬥,建立起了自己的事業。
編劇:#張潞 #申捷
演員:#鄧超 #賈乃亮 #湯唯 #姚芊羽 #趙亮 #田海蓉
🎬 Episodes: 34
📜 Synopsis: A sudden earthquake changes the fate of 14-year-old girl Zhang Zijun (played by Tian Hairong) and her family. To protect her younger brother Zihua (played by Jia Nailiang), their mother is killed, and their father perishes in the disaster. Overnight, the siblings become orphans, facing an imminent separation. Zijun feels desperate and powerless. Their heartless aunt reluctantly takes them in for the sake of relief funds, subjecting them to her mistreatment. Zijun compromises to survive. In the end, through her struggles, Zijun builds her own career.

