Mystery of Believing - St. John of the Cross /w Fr. Donald Haggerty

Mystery of Believing - St. John of the Cross /w Fr. Donald Haggerty
In this series Fr. Donald Haggerty and Kris McGregor discuss the depths of prayer as explored by St. John of the Cross, the Mystical Doctor of the Church. In this episode, conversation leads to the experience of the Dark Nights often associated with St. John of the Cross
Father Donald Haggerty, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, serves at Saint Patrick's Cathedral. He taught moral theology and worked as a spiritual director in seminaries for twenty years. He has directed numerous yearly retreats for the Missionaries of Charity. He is the author of Contemplative Provocations, The Contemplative Hunger, Conversion, and Contemplative Enigmas.
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  • @susanmatthewsscott799
    @susanmatthewsscott799 Жыл бұрын

    Inspiring spiritual direction…I will listen to this several times. Precious Gems of wisdom.

  • @cherylmburton5577
    @cherylmburton5577 Жыл бұрын

    When Jesus appeared to St Mary Magdalene outside the tomb, he was only intending to appear to certain men in the 40days before his ascension (in total he appeared to about 500 men), but if even for a short time, as the day got underway, people in general viewed St Mary Magdalene in a position of profoundly honoring or even worshiping this man, whom they did not recognize physically either, then their curiosity, one thing would lead to another and none of that was part of Jesus's design. Just as Kris McGregor reminds listeners (be a doer and not just a listener), about the teachings of St Paul, Acts 14:8-23 is an excellent example of public crowds even being incited by Priests of foreign gods to worship a human based on a miracle performed by the Holy Spirit of the true God, and it can be noted here that certain Jews were instigating mob action all around Paul at this time. The reason is clear in Scripture that the Jews were violently jealous, recognizing the Holy Spirit having been transfered to Paul, on behalf of Christians. Also note in Chapter 14 how quickly the Jews worked to poison peoples minds against Paul, who protested their misguided attempt to worship Barnabas and Paul as Zeus and Hermes, and then note how quickly the Jews turned the situation around with help of city authorities (today's police and city hall rulers), to form a mob and they stoned Paul to the extent that they thought he was dead, and they dragged his body outside the city and dumped it. But after they were all gone, just as Mary Magdalene was all alone at Jesus's tomb, Paul stood up, wiped the dust off himself and continued on with Barnabas to Derbe. It was this type of situation that Jesus was thwarting when he told Mary not to cling to him but to go tell the Apostles of his rising. For the entire 40 days Jesus was able to walk around unnoticed and insignificant to those he did not intend to make himself known to. (1 Cor 15:3-11; Mt 27:62-66; 28:1-20)

  • @omarbinno4390
    @omarbinno4390 Жыл бұрын

    If God usually doesn't send tangible signs, then why do those who pray to St. Theres for a sign, ask her to send them a flower? Isn't that asking for a tangible sign?